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Late Night Rant


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     Hey guys, I have been thinking about a lot of things lately. For a few months now actually but before I continue this is a rant. I'm going to be talking about a lot of things and just kind of expressing my thoughts and feelings on this thread.


      I'm a straight A college student. I'm majoring in physics right now at a science university in my state. At just 18 years old I'm already getting my 2 year degree at this school and about to work on my bachelors and then later my masters. When I was younger I loved writing stories and making up scenarios in my head about what I wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to achieve. All I knew back then is I just wanted to be happy in the future. I wanted to be able to wake up every morning. No stress. No real responsibilities. Never having to worry about money. An amazing wife. 3 kids. Things like that. I believe happiness is the single most powerful thing in existence. It is something most people strive to achieve. At 18 years old I have already achieved it but I am terrified of losing it.. I am fucking married, guys. She fits every single criteria that I ever wanted out of a potential partner. She is nothing short of perfect. She drives my motivation to do anything and she is my inspiration. We have been together for years and years now and I know I'm still young but I'm so happy with her.


     I am afraid of losing my happiness but not in the sense you are probably thinking of. I'm not afraid of losing her. I am TERRIFIED of missing out on watching my kids grow up. I am terrified of not being able to spend every waking moment with my family.. I don't want to work a 9 - 5 job were I come home and I see her and my children for 4 hours before I have to go to sleep and wake up again. Thats not a future I want. My worst fear is having a future where I can't spend my free time with my wife because it goes to sleep because of work in the morning. Where I can't spend my free time with my kids because I work all day.


   I have spent months and months thinking of ways to avoid this outcome. Some of you may be ok with working a job like that because it "pays the bills" or "you gottta do what you gotta do", but not me. I'm not saying I'm lazy and don't want to work. What I am saying is that I want a career that allows me to make my own schedule. allows me to include my wife and children. My friends and family. Thats what type of career I want.


     After months and months of reserching various types of jobs I came to the conclusion that the best possible career for me would be youtube. I don't know how much you guys know about what goes into making successful youtube videos but it takes a lot. Thumbnails. Meta tags. tags. title. general orientation. marketing to the right audience. having good equipment. But most importantly. Having fun. Making videos is about having fun. Any career is a career because you love doing it. I have been makign videos for 6 months or so. First a gaming channel. Then i eventually started up a Runescape channel. An anime channel and even a CS:GO channel. I implemented an optimized intro thats 6-9s, the average attention span for an intro, and outro with links to my previous videos. I even had good channel art which you can see at the end of this post. I never really had fun making videos for any of those channels though. The runescape channel always got the best feedback. I uploaded daily but eventually scrapped it because I got lazy. I wanted to make pk videos. pk montages and stuff like that. So since my account wasn't maxed I couldnt always pk. I had to train it up which I hated. Now I'm back ready to try it again and work towards my goal of turning youtube into a career because its honestly the only hobby I have. Its the only thing  I enjoy doing.


   Making youtube into a career may sound silly to some of you but this is 2016. Being a gamer or youtuber is an actual career path. I Hate the fact that I work at a pretty good paying job that takes time away from my wife and its a job I can't include her in. I hate school.. My school is 100% free because of my fulll ride scholarship.. I want to drop out so badly because I hate going. Its not something I want to do with my life. It makes me unhappy just thinking about having to go. Having to get a degree and work as an engineer making 6 figures my first year on the job. That sounds awful to me. With youtube I can make vlogs with my wife. my children. I could make pk videos. Call of duty videos. Videos on whatever I want without even having to leave my family at home!! If people actually liked me enough I could make a living off of it. (my dream is to become a famous youtuber. I think I'd have the best career in the world. I'd be able to wake up and potentially change someones entire life for the better or help people through hard times by just a simple upload. That would be the most amazing career ever. This thread isn't me complaining about it. I fully plan on making this dream come true.)



   I don't really understand the point of this thread. Like I said before its just me ranting and expressing my thoughts. So if its hard to understand and doesn't make sense. Well its 5am I have not slept in almost 48 hours so that's my excuse.




This is my logo for if i ever marketed apparel. Obviously needs to be updated with my banner and header



My avatar for my channel art




banner for my channel





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Hey man, I feel you. I'm joining the Air Force in a few months because I want to leave my children a strong inheritance. 

If you need any help making pk videos or video game videos let me know. 

I also know how to pure and hybrid pk pretty well, and it literally takes less than a week to create a 'brid to pk with. 

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Stay in school mate. Education is key to everything.



Hey man, I feel you. I'm joining the Air Force in a few months because I want to leave my children a strong inheritance. 

If you need any help making pk videos or video game videos let me know. 

I also know how to pure and hybrid pk pretty well, and it literally takes less than a week to create a 'brid to pk with. 



this reminds me of the guy who dropped out of uni to goldfarm



Don't leave school that you've got a scholarship in to study a subject as prestigious as physics in to make pk videos Lol


I'm not sure if you guys understand where im coming from. I'm talking about pursuing a dream. Some people want to be cops. or firefighters. run there own business. I just want to be an entertainer. I am going to stay in school because right now its my only option. I make decent money at my current job but Id rather do something with a degree than be stuck here. Markiplier dropped out and he ended up blowing up on youtube. I'm not saying I want to make runescape videos as a career but I would like to make videos in general as a career. Whether it be gaming videos or vlogs. whatever makes me happy. All i Know is im already good at making videos. really good. theres no doubt in my mind that I won't go somewhere with it eventually because If you work hard enough to achieve your dream it will come true.

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I'm not sure if you guys understand where im coming from. I'm talking about pursuing a dream. Some people want to be cops. or firefighters. run there own business. I just want to be an entertainer. I am going to stay in school because right now its my only option. I make decent money at my current job but Id rather do something with a degree than be stuck here. Markiplier dropped out and he ended up blowing up on youtube. I'm not saying I want to make runescape videos as a career but I would like to make videos in general as a career. Whether it be gaming videos or vlogs. whatever makes me happy. All i Know is im already good at making videos. really good. theres no doubt in my mind that I won't go somewhere with it eventually because If you work hard enough to achieve your dream it will come true.


It's your life man do whatever you believe is right. Just want you to be safe.


If anything just ask your parents to take a break from school for a semester or two and see where it goes from that.

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I haven't quite read through it all but I would say pursue what you decide is best, all you can do is think for the future though. If say you are in college and leave college for X-reason that may not be the same outcome for your future that you are expecting right now.

Life isn't easy and no one is going to give you a free pass, all you can do is slowly gather the building blocks to life in your own time at your own pace. If you think that leaving behind certain things is going to benefit you in the long run, then sure it's down to you completely but think it through first. We all do silly things every day without a doubt, and many of the times we don't think about it beforehand or look at the bigger picture moving on from it, we just get caught up in the here and now.

Anyway, i'm going to bed i'll read it properly tomorrow when I get up.

I mean. My YouTube channel is already starting to get some viewer ship. I take it seriously and I know it may take years to go anywhere. I'm completely fine with that. I love making videos. It's not something I do because I want money. But it is something I would like to do as a career if I ever got the chance. I plan on staying in college. But the moment YouTube takes me somewhere. I'm going to stop school. I have always lived my life with the motto that why would I put myself through something if it made me insanely unhappy every single day. I lived school all the way up until last year and now I'm tired of it. I worked so hard to achieve these.scholarships to achieve this level of academic promise. I'm willing to give that up if YouTube goes anywhere

It's your life man do whatever you believe is right. Just want you to be safe.

If anything just ask your parents to take a break from school for a semester or two and see where it goes from that.

It's your life man do whatever you believe is right. Just want you to be safe.

If anything just ask your parents to take a break from school for a semester or two and see where it goes from that.

everyone is misunderstanding lol. I'm only 18 but I don't live with my parents lol. I moved out when I was 13 -14 and lived with a friend's family up until I went to college. I have an amazing paying job. I have my own home. I'm pretty far along.

The whole point of everything I said is. I will stay in college. But if I can do YouTube as a career I will stop going to school but only if YouTube takes off . If it never does. Ill do what I do now. Ill upload videos and have a good time doing it while going to school and getting my degree. Thanks for the advice though

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     Hey guys, I have been thinking about a lot of things lately. For a few months now actually but before I continue this is a rant. I'm going to be talking about a lot of things and just kind of expressing my thoughts and feelings on this thread.


      I'm a straight A college student. I'm majoring in physics right now at a science university in my state. At just 18 years old I'm already getting my 2 year degree at this school and about to work on my bachelors and then later my masters. When I was younger I loved writing stories and making up scenarios in my head about what I wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to achieve. All I knew back then is I just wanted to be happy in the future. I wanted to be able to wake up every morning. No stress. No real responsibilities. Never having to worry about money. An amazing wife. 3 kids. Things like that. I believe happiness is the single most powerful thing in existence. It is something most people strive to achieve. At 18 years old I have already achieved it but I am terrified of losing it.. I am fucking married, guys. She fits every single criteria that I ever wanted out of a potential partner. She is nothing short of perfect. She drives my motivation to do anything and she is my inspiration. We have been together for years and years now and I know I'm still young but I'm so happy with her.


     I am afraid of losing my happiness but not in the sense you are probably thinking of. I'm not afraid of losing her. I am TERRIFIED of missing out on watching my kids grow up. I am terrified of not being able to spend every waking moment with my family.. I don't want to work a 9 - 5 job were I come home and I see her and my children for 4 hours before I have to go to sleep and wake up again. Thats not a future I want. My worst fear is having a future where I can't spend my free time with my wife because it goes to sleep because of work in the morning. Where I can't spend my free time with my kids because I work all day.


   I have spent months and months thinking of ways to avoid this outcome. Some of you may be ok with working a job like that because it "pays the bills" or "you gottta do what you gotta do", but not me. I'm not saying I'm lazy and don't want to work. What I am saying is that I want a career that allows me to make my own schedule. allows me to include my wife and children. My friends and family. Thats what type of career I want.


     After months and months of reserching various types of jobs I came to the conclusion that the best possible career for me would be youtube. I don't know how much you guys know about what goes into making successful youtube videos but it takes a lot. Thumbnails. Meta tags. tags. title. general orientation. marketing to the right audience. having good equipment. But most importantly. Having fun. Making videos is about having fun. Any career is a career because you love doing it. I have been makign videos for 6 months or so. First a gaming channel. Then i eventually started up a Runescape channel. An anime channel and even a CS:GO channel. I implemented an optimized intro thats 6-9s, the average attention span for an intro, and outro with links to my previous videos. I even had good channel art which you can see at the end of this post. I never really had fun making videos for any of those channels though. The runescape channel always got the best feedback. I uploaded daily but eventually scrapped it because I got lazy. I wanted to make pk videos. pk montages and stuff like that. So since my account wasn't maxed I couldnt always pk. I had to train it up which I hated. Now I'm back ready to try it again and work towards my goal of turning youtube into a career because its honestly the only hobby I have. Its the only thing  I enjoy doing.


   Making youtube into a career may sound silly to some of you but this is 2016. Being a gamer or youtuber is an actual career path. I Hate the fact that I work at a pretty good paying job that takes time away from my wife and its a job I can't include her in. I hate school.. My school is 100% free because of my fulll ride scholarship.. I want to drop out so badly because I hate going. Its not something I want to do with my life. It makes me unhappy just thinking about having to go. Having to get a degree and work as an engineer making 6 figures my first year on the job. That sounds awful to me. With youtube I can make vlogs with my wife. my children. I could make pk videos. Call of duty videos. Videos on whatever I want without even having to leave my family at home!! If people actually liked me enough I could make a living off of it. (my dream is to become a famous youtuber. I think I'd have the best career in the world. I'd be able to wake up and potentially change someones entire life for the better or help people through hard times by just a simple upload. That would be the most amazing career ever. This thread isn't me complaining about it. I fully plan on making this dream come true.)



   I don't really understand the point of this thread. Like I said before its just me ranting and expressing my thoughts. So if its hard to understand and doesn't make sense. Well its 5am I have not slept in almost 48 hours so that's my excuse.




This is my logo for if i ever marketed apparel. Obviously needs to be updated with my banner and header



My avatar for my channel art




banner for my channel


My opinion is do what you want to do man. We get one shot in life but it's our (your) life. Do the things YOU want to do. It's ok to be selfish.

Link me to your channel btw.

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My opinion is do what you want to do man. We get one shot in life but it's our (your) life. Do the things YOU want to do. It's ok to be selfish.

Link me to your channel btw.


I'll pm it to you in the future. I'm currently trying to figure out exactly what I want to upload. I was doing anime videos. Like Naruto Ultimate ninja storm 4 and digimon cyber sleuth. but I stopped because it wasn't fun. I haven't decided if I want to live stream or focus on youtube yet.

The problem is, anything can go the other way it isn't always going to go how you want. Like you have already said, it may take years to get to where you want, what are you going to do for those years? You need to think of the long run, whilst I would say go for it and see what you make yourself into you also need some background.


Yeh I understand thank you for the reply.

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I'll pm it to you in the future. I'm currently trying to figure out exactly what I want to upload. I was doing anime videos. Like Naruto Ultimate ninja storm 4 and digimon cyber sleuth. but I stopped because it wasn't fun. I haven't decided if I want to live stream or focus on youtube yet.


Yeh I understand thank you for the reply.

If you want to live stream remember to hit me and my MASSIVE twitch channel up ;)

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