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looks too out of place if i'm being honest



Don't know if you were going for a theme but


If you were gonna add something external should have done it on the sheet, maybe soul-esk 


To fit what you did with the side head.  but then it gives it a cannibalism theme 


Make the mouth line start earlier so he doesn't look like the crimson chin.


greed is the theme

what is a soul-esk 

are we talking about the left lines that drop down or the ones above it

I think the ribs just appear too small to match the body, otherwise looks nice though!


i agree, it's been a bit hard trying to get them a good size and angle, ty

I think that the rib cage looks out of place to be honest.. Looks like they're a bit out of proportion and don't fit well, however if you wanted to I think you could make them work! smile.png


i agree as well, ^^, just hard trying to get them into proportion

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Google the human body ;) The ribs would look fine, they are just WAY too small. It is like adding a micropenis to a horse. It just doesn't work.


Also the ribs are tilted to the opposite direction of the body, so maybe some realignment would make it look better as well. Overall though, it is really cool. Even though it is kind of a bit too freaky for me.


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Google the human body wink.png The ribs would look fine, they are just WAY too small. It is like adding a micropenis to a horse. It just doesn't work.


Also the ribs are tilted to the opposite direction of the body, so maybe some realignment would make it look better as well. Overall though, it is really cool. Even though it is kind of a bit too freaky for me.


i googled skeleton ribs but i couldnt find any good ones and yeah ik its hard af to realign them l0l ;-;

work on his penis some more

non visible might do another piece after with a statue with a pp

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