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Shudsy's Orber


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Teh bot is currently not working... please fix ASAP?


it stops before entering the cave at edgeville....


"Bot isnt working" "Stop at bla bla"


Sec, lemme go check 1000 lines of code to hopefully find the problem. 


Can you atleast give me pictures of logger and the paint when screaming "HELP FIX PLS"?

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once everythings fixed i shall be buying this script, looks very good mate smile.png



Webwalking is broken atm and has nothing to do with the script. Should be up and working soon according to Alek.


At the moment i can say that the script is bug free considering the only known bug (82 cosmic rune bug) was fixed earlier today.

Edited by Shudsy
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once everythings fixed i shall be buying this script, looks very good mate smile.png


Hi CantHackIt


I have had the script for a long time, and the first week it didn't work, last time i used it the bot kept teleportet away from black deamons after 1 hit... last night it worked fine for the first time  - for a few hours..


The script has some nice features, such as world-hopping... but it is very unstable. 


Be aware that it is were limited service, and the updates thats could be nice for us users, won't be listed to... and your comments are not taking very serious - this was the last message i received from Shudsy: 


"No. I don't know what to fix when people say "Not working". So i'm not even going to bother looking at the code before you submit a proper bug report which i clearly state in the thread."


Best Regards


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"No. I don't know what to fix when people say "Not working". So i'm not even going to bother looking at the code before you submit a proper bug report which i clearly state in the thread."


:???: all scripters are like that? name a scripter thats going to fix a bug that he doesnt know whats causing it and has literally no information about it? there's a bug report template for a reason

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Hi CantHackIt


I have had the script for a long time, and the first week it didn't work, last time i used it the bot kept teleportet away from black deamons after 1 hit... last night it worked fine for the first time  - for a few hours..


The script has some nice features, such as world-hopping... but it is very unstable. 


Be aware that it is were limited service, and the updates thats could be nice for us users, won't be listed to... and your comments are not taking very serious - this was the last message i received from Shudsy: 


"No. I don't know what to fix when people say "Not working". So i'm not even going to bother looking at the code before you submit a proper bug report which i clearly state in the thread."


Best Regards



Just do as he said then, submit a proper bug report so he can fix it?

wtf is the problem?

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Hi CantHackIt


I have had the script for a long time, and the first week it didn't work, last time i used it the bot kept teleportet away from black deamons after 1 hit... last night it worked fine for the first time  - for a few hours..


The script has some nice features, such as world-hopping... but it is very unstable. 


Be aware that it is were limited service, and the updates thats could be nice for us users, won't be listed to... and your comments are not taking very serious - this was the last message i received from Shudsy: 


"No. I don't know what to fix when people say "Not working". So i'm not even going to bother looking at the code before you submit a proper bug report which i clearly state in the thread."


Best Regards


If i were an idiot i wouldn't even understand what you were saying.


Instead of bashing @Shudsy how about you do as he asked?


Post Proper format, at the very least show some screens or evidence as to your claims.


~ Pak.

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Hi CantHackIt


I have had the script for a long time, and the first week it didn't work, last time i used it the bot kept teleportet away from black deamons after 1 hit... last night it worked fine for the first time  - for a few hours..


The script has some nice features, such as world-hopping... but it is very unstable. 


Be aware that it is were limited service, and the updates thats could be nice for us users, won't be listed to... and your comments are not taking very serious - this was the last message i received from Shudsy: 


"No. I don't know what to fix when people say "Not working". So i'm not even going to bother looking at the code before you submit a proper bug report which i clearly state in the thread."


Best Regards



Alright, let's give the full story behind this person. This is his bug report that he originally sent me:



and the bot is currently now working... can you fix this now??

Do you know how much code this script has? and if you don't follow the bug template that i provide, there is no way i can ever find out whats wrong.
Your bug mentions:
Teleports after 1 demon hit: How many times did this happen? It makes no sense as it should be impossible with this code. You are also the ONLY person which has ever said this.
Webwalker stops: Not a fault on my side, and this should be fixed soon. Wait for MGI to take a look at the issue. All scripts are broken because of this.
82 Cosmic rune bug: FIXED 
Edited by Shudsy
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Alright, let's give the full story behind this person. This is his bug report that he originally sent me:



Do you know how much code this script has? and if you don't follow the bug template that i provide, there is no way i can ever find out whats wrong.
Your bug mentions:
Teleports after 1 demon hit: How many times did this happen? It makes no sense as it should be impossible with this code. You are also the ONLY person which has ever said this.
Webwalker stops: Not a fault on my side, and this should be fixed soon. Wait for MGI to take a look at the issue. All scripts are broken because of this.
82 Cosmic rune bug: FIXED 



Thanks for making it clear for me - and sorry for not using your template, i did not know about this.


I don't have a big knowledge about scripting (you probably already figured this out), and i didn't know that it was a big work to fix these "minor issues" :)


I appreciate the answer, and will defiantly use your template going forward..... but to be fair, i haven't had a good experience buying this script, compared to others. 


Thanks again. 

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