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ok so this guy said my pin was fake and it gave him -1800  jcoins its this some sort of scam to get his money back or somthing 

if i ever sold you a pin and you got it and you were able to use your account after word please say so because i have no idea wtf this guy is talking about

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Ive been able to use any pins you've sold me without problems, how can you have negative jcoins ???????

This is when you buy a membership on your account (or any runescape thing such as rune coins or squeal of fortune spins) then you charge back your payment. Jagex doesn't fight the chargeback, but puts negative "Jcoins" (or jagex coins) on your account. You have to rebuy these to gain access to your account.


i use Card & code, no paypal no SMS so charge back isnt possible 


I'd trust Nick with my RuneScape account, he wouldn't scam pins and a new member trying to get Nick banned or get refunded, it's not possible to get - jcoins using a pin it will say pin is denied or invalid so Nick don't worry this guy is bullshitting.

thanks :D

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No, just no. He no scam u, understand, u stand.












That siggy



LOOOOOOOL, Led you crack me up some times.



OT: It's impossible to gain -180 jcoins for no reason. When submitting your pin Jagex will deny if the pin is submitted incorrectly or is invalid nothing else.

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