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Stealth Quester


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2 hours ago, jordangers said:

Hey great script BTW, I'm having issues with monkey madness however, it's purchased all the stuff, now the bot just stops everytine I open it to do the quest, I have done both pre quests and have 37 prayer, is there anything I'm missing? 

The quest has a hard-coded 43 Prayer requirement

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So about the rune mysteries quest it banks i believe once you get the research notes from the rune store in varrock from Aubury once you trade him the research package. Once the bot does that it heads back to the wizard tower in lumbridge and goes the wizard it goes through the dialogue and he says bring the research notes from your bank and the bot closes out of the dialogue. But then the bot just goes back to the wizard without getting the research notes from the draynor bank and keeps in a loop of talking to the wizard and sitting in wizard tower.


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I'm on an Ironman, I'm assuming if I manually gather the items it will still do the quest? 
what else does it require me to get, does it use teles? can i turn that option off? can it use just runes and not tabs? 

If you can just let me know all the things i need to run this on my Ironman. I have the levels already the items and stuff is my only problem.

Thanks for your time and btw lovely job with this your reviews in this thread are downright amazing. 


Is it possible to see a dump of all the items it looks for during each quest? That way I can make sure to have it on the account. I'm looking up req items but I dont know if it requires recommended items as well. Please man, we iron men out here need help!

Edited by Krondo
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Quick question, are you suppose to check off "dismiss all randoms" when you're running this script? I was watching the bot run and when a random appeared, it seemed that it cause the script to stop working. Not sure if its because this script itself dismisses randoms as it runs or if it was the quest I was running at the time (Witch's Potion). 


Other than that, this script runs like a charm for the few that I have ran :) 

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