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2 hours ago, kendrik said:

Hey OP

I was wondering if I could get a free trail for this script, i'm really interested and would like to familiarize before making a purchase.

Merry Christmas!! 

2 hours ago, PhaseCoder said:

can i please get a trial?

I'm afraid I'm not currently handling trials :feels: 

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3 hours ago, fita419 said:

So I completed Plague City and for some reason it did not get crossed off the list. When I try to start Plague City it says it is still trying to complete a step? Not sure if there is a way to manually override this. Thank you.

Did you do it manually and forgot to claim the ardougne teleport reward?

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21 minutes ago, Haron said:

Nature spirit not working, char stays near bank and doing nothing.


It looks like the quest has already been started (probably on last stage before completion actually), not all quests are supported in a previously started state

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The ascent of Arceuus hasnt been added to all those quests listed in the main post. Nor has the requirements been added.




Also, during a bunch of quests it gets stuck and eventually says the bot failed to get to a tile and must restart the walker. If you pause the script and play it again the script picks up where it left off and finishes the quest. This has happened a few times, the grand tree, ernest the chicken, avas accumulator, and a couple others. 


Some quests will turn off the retaliation and other quests need it (The corsair curse I can only think of). Maybe add a failsafe for fights needing auto-retaliate. 

Edited by itsmejb4
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2 hours ago, fita419 said:

I did it manually and claimed the reward. It should be crossed off the list right?

It should if you can cast ardougne teleport (read the scroll not just receive it)

31 minutes ago, itsmejb4 said:

The ascent of Arceuus hasnt been added to all those quests listed in the main post. Nor has the requirements been added.




Also, during a bunch of quests it gets stuck and eventually says the bot failed to get to a tile and must restart the walker. If you pause the script and play it again the script picks up where it left off and finishes the quest. This has happened a few times, the grand tree, ernest the chicken, avas accumulator, and a couple others. 


Some quests will turn off the retaliation and other quests need it (The corsair curse I can only think of). Maybe add a failsafe for fights needing auto-retaliate. 

The webwalker is a bit slow sometimes, but it shouldn't get stuck, give it some time

They usually turn auto retaliation on right before the fight

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Sadly I haven't saved the logs but maybe I can still help;

1. Dig Site
On Dig Site quest when you get the first certificate it will show up full screen with an option to close it in the upper right corner. The script doesn't close the certificate but instead turns the camera slightly left and right looking for the door to get out of the building the player is currently inside of. The message is obviously in the way so it can't find the door, resulting in endless loop. 
Note; this doesn't occur on second and third certificate. 

2. Nature Spirit
People collecting fungi get in the way of the player trying to cast the spell to grow the fungi. The script will get stuck if there's someone is farming there. I suggest you add an option for the script to world hop before using the spell. In my case I had to run back to Filliman to get another spell. 

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14 minutes ago, Vladimircvb said:

Sadly I haven't saved the logs but maybe I can still help;

1. Dig Site
On Dig Site quest when you get the first certificate it will show up full screen with an option to close it in the upper right corner. The script doesn't close the certificate but instead turns the camera slightly left and right looking for the door to get out of the building the player is currently inside of. The message is obviously in the way so it can't find the door, resulting in endless loop. 
Note; this doesn't occur on second and third certificate. 

2. Nature Spirit
People collecting fungi get in the way of the player trying to cast the spell to grow the fungi. The script will get stuck if there's someone is farming there. I suggest you add an option for the script to world hop before using the spell. In my case I had to run back to Filliman to get another spell. 

Thanks, I'll make the changes shortly :doge: 

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29 minutes ago, Token said:

Thanks, I'll make the changes shortly :doge: 

Np and thanks.

Also, on Monkey Madness before clicking the 10th ward sigil to get teleported to the fight;
Somehow the script gets stuck in a loop where it equips my set mage load out.
1. Script makes player (in my set personal load out) retrieve from bank; 1800 air runes, 600 chaos, 10th ward sigil, 10 pray pots and 15 lobsters. 
2. Script closes bank
3. Script opens bank
4. Script deposits inventory

Work around for this is to pause bot and click the 10th ward sigil manually and confirm teleportation. 

Pastebin; https://pastebin.com/nBFtZ4mJ

Also on The Grand Tree;
Might I suggest you implement an option to pray melee protect on Black Demon fight, if said character has it unlocked. 
I'm aware that a lot of people mage or range safespot this boss but since I was using melee I still was waiting on it to happen but it didn't.

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