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Stealth Quester


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On 8/6/2018 at 1:35 AM, maisa said:

Any chance of making buying items from GE optionable? (If required items are collected manually and are in bank already)
By playing an ironman I can't use this script.

"It is optional if you already have the required items, it only buys missing ones but item requirements are very strict so if you miss just 1 swordfish it will buy it"


I've tried with multiple quests - items in inventory and in bank, no bank tabs, all geared up.
Still tries to go ge to buy items.

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Great script, done many quests until i tried to run them all in a row, it will not scroll in the bank and it will not increase the price if an item does not get purchased. It also doesn't check in the bank if any required items are already purchased (if it runs in an error and you have to restart it will purchase everything again).

Any solutions would be greatly appriciated. Else refunds should be available, running this script currently does not work.

Edited by thatkiller
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Im having major issuse with buying items and web walking I cannot start the script it gets stuck almost instantly and im following the instructions please help


[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:05 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:05 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:18 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:19 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:19 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:19 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:13 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:14 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:14 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:14 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:08 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:09 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:09 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:09 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:42 PM]: walking to position [x=3208, y=3219, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:42 PM]: destination: [x=3208, y=3219, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:56 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:56 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: walking to position [x=3208, y=3220, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: destination: [x=3208, y=3220, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: interrupting webwalkevent
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.Event.interrupt(rl:198)
    at api.Com6.j(hn:714)
    at api.Com6.j(hn:1234)
    at api.QB.j(pk:71)
    at l.prn.b(ph:184)
    at api.Aux.j(tf:70)
    at j.prn.onLoop(ah:12)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:01:12 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 195 minute(s), you will break for 28 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:01:12 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:21 PM]: walking to position [x=3166, y=3486, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:21 PM]: destination: [x=3166, y=3486, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:25 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:25 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:03:24 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:03:24 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:05 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 185 minute(s), you will break for 30 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:05 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:09 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:09 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:31 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 194 minute(s), you will break for 33 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:31 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:05 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:05 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:41 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 184 minute(s), you will break for 30 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:41 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Iron platelegs 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Waterskin(4) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Falador teleport 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Silver bar 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Rune dagger(p++) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Swordfish 55 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Bucket of milk 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Nardah teleport 3 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Obsidian cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Black robe 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Wizard hat 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Black cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Pot of flour 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Egg 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:58 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:08 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:08 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:45 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 173 minute(s), you will break for 31 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:45 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Obsidian cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Falador teleport 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Iron platelegs 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Swordfish 55 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Silver bar 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Nardah teleport 3 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Wizard hat 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Rune dagger(p++) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Black robe 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Pot of flour 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Bucket of milk 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Waterskin(4) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Egg 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Black cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:08 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:17 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:20 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:22 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:29 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:35 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:44 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:00 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:09 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:17 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:26 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:34 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:42 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:54 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:59 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!

Edited by buddy40408
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On 8/7/2018 at 10:42 PM, colbyq said:

The bot is messing up right now. When trying to buy items it is typing more than one item at a time. For instance: Varrock teleportVarrock teleport

Is that on mirror mode?

On 8/7/2018 at 11:33 PM, Zummy said:

How long does 7QP take max?

I think about 20-25 mins, not sure

On 8/8/2018 at 9:15 AM, U Wishin said:

IVE BEEN USING THIS SCRIPT A LONG TIME.... and let me just say with the new menu setup you made it 3 times more difficult. i could start this on my lvl3 and it would do every quest qith the exception of a few. now you gotta do this and that to setup the freaking quests... so much easier the first way to jsut let it rip..

I'll pin the 6 quick start options it previously had on the preset list :feels: 

On 8/8/2018 at 1:12 PM, Nefs said:

When selecting my gear when picking a quest, it wont let me select rune scimmy  because its not he top 4 item. How do i scroll down to select my weapon of choice?

Try writing a longer prefix until the desired item shows up


On 8/8/2018 at 1:42 PM, maisa said:

"It is optional if you already have the required items, it only buys missing ones but item requirements are very strict so if you miss just 1 swordfish it will buy it"


I've tried with multiple quests - items in inventory and in bank, no bank tabs, all geared up.
Still tries to go ge to buy items.

What is it trying to buy?

On 8/8/2018 at 3:27 PM, thatkiller said:

Great script, done many quests until i tried to run them all in a row, it will not scroll in the bank and it will not increase the price if an item does not get purchased. It also doesn't check in the bank if any required items are already purchased (if it runs in an error and you have to restart it will purchase everything again).

Any solutions would be greatly appriciated. Else refunds should be available, running this script currently does not work.

Did you run it on mirror mode?

16 hours ago, Hay said:

I've paid for this bot 2 days ago, its disappeared off my scripts on the bot but not on the website? any help?

Refresh script list, it should be there

15 hours ago, Diktrom said:

6drHxw8.pngThis happens with the Elemetnal workship I quest How to fix?

Is that previously started? Is it on a F2P world? What items does it have in inventory?

10 hours ago, buddy40408 said:

Im having major issuse with buying items and web walking I cannot start the script it gets stuck almost instantly and im following the instructions please help


[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:05 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:05 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:18 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:19 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:19 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:19 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:32 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:57:46 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:00 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:13 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:14 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:14 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:14 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:27 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:41 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:58:55 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:08 PM]: walking to position [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:09 PM]: destination: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:09 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:09 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:42 PM]: walking to position [x=3208, y=3219, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:42 PM]: destination: [x=3208, y=3219, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:56 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 12:59:56 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: walking to position [x=3208, y=3220, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: destination: [x=3208, y=3220, z=2]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: interrupting webwalkevent
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.Event.interrupt(rl:198)
    at api.Com6.j(hn:714)
    at api.Com6.j(hn:1234)
    at api.QB.j(pk:71)
    at l.prn.b(ph:184)
    at api.Aux.j(tf:70)
    at j.prn.onLoop(ah:12)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:00:56 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:01:12 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 195 minute(s), you will break for 28 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:01:12 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:21 PM]: walking to position [x=3166, y=3486, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:21 PM]: destination: [x=3166, y=3486, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:25 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:02:25 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:03:24 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:03:24 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:05 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 185 minute(s), you will break for 30 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:05 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:09 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:09 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:31 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 194 minute(s), you will break for 33 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:06:31 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:05 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:05 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:41 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 184 minute(s), you will break for 30 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:07:41 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Iron platelegs 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Waterskin(4) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Falador teleport 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Silver bar 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Rune dagger(p++) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Swordfish 55 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Bucket of milk 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Nardah teleport 3 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Obsidian cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Black robe 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Wizard hat 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Black cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Pot of flour 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Egg 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:08:58 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:08 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:08 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:45 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 173 minute(s), you will break for 31 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:09:45 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Obsidian cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Falador teleport 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Iron platelegs 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Swordfish 55 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Silver bar 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Nardah teleport 3 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Wizard hat 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Rune dagger(p++) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Black robe 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Pot of flour 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Bucket of milk 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Waterskin(4) 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Egg 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:01 PM]: [DEBUG] Black cape 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:08 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:17 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:20 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:22 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:29 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:35 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:44 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:11:52 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:00 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:09 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:17 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:26 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:34 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:42 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:54 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 01:12:59 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!

I see from the logger that it's trying to buy some items, where exactly is the bot getting stuck?

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On 8/8/2018 at 1:42 PM, maisa said:

"It is optional if you already have the required items, it only buys missing ones but item requirements are very strict so if you miss just 1 swordfish it will buy it"


I've tried with multiple quests - items in inventory and in bank, no bank tabs, all geared up.
Still tries to go ge to buy items.

"What is it trying to buy?"

I have no idea since it's an ironman account (cant access ge) and sadly don't have an alternative account to try this script on.

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16 minutes ago, maisa said:

"What is it trying to buy?"

I have no idea since it's an ironman account (cant access ge) and sadly don't have an alternative account to try this script on.

It will print in the logger what items it's missing after it checks the bank, something like this


But the item requirements are too strict for most quests to be worth running on ironmen (eg. teleport tablets, swordfish)

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4 hours ago, Token said:

Is that on mirror mode?

I think about 20-25 mins, not sure

I'll pin the 6 quick start options it previously had on the preset list :feels: 

Try writing a longer prefix until the desired item shows up


What is it trying to buy?

Did you run it on mirror mode?

Refresh script list, it should be there

Is that previously started? Is it on a F2P world? What items does it have in inventory?

I see from the logger that it's trying to buy some items, where exactly is the bot getting stuck?

Fast reply, shows professionality. It was run in mirror mode, i will try normal mode now.

EDIT: seems to be working flawless now, i'll be running all quests in a row and report back. 

Edited by thatkiller
  • Boge 1
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