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Stealth Quester


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i wanna start holy grail quest but it will stand bank and will do nothing


    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IiiiIiiIiiII(qn:727)
    at org.osbot.eC.iIiIiiiiiIII(wr:153)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.pause(qn:550)
    at org.osbot.p.iIIIIiiIIiii(iu:43)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: [SetUsername]:wwg1wga_2020
[WARN][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:57 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                      Holy Grail    settings:{FOOD=Shark, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Coif, CAPE=Ava's attractor, AMULET=Amulet of glory, WEAPON=Maple shortbow, CHEST=Leather body, SHIELD=null, LEGS=Studded chaps (g), HANDS=Leather vambraces, FEET=Climbing boots, RING=null, ARROWS=Adamant arrow, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:57 AM]: starting stamina potion thread
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]:     5 Shark
    1 Amulet of glory
    1 Coif
    1 Antidote++(4)
    1 Leather vambraces
    1 Amulet of glory(6)
    5 Falador teleport
    1 Leather body
    1 Studded chaps (g)
    1 Ava's attractor
    1 Draynor manor teleport
    1 Maple shortbow
    1 Climbing boots
    500 Adamant arrow
    3 Stamina potion(4)
    5 Camelot teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:00 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:02 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:02 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:02 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: you do not meet the requirements for the current quest: Holy Grail
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: missing requirements for quest: Holy Grail
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                      Holy Grail    settings:{FOOD=Shark, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Coif, CAPE=Ava's attractor, AMULET=Amulet of glory, WEAPON=Maple shortbow, CHEST=Leather body, SHIELD=null, LEGS=Studded chaps (g), HANDS=Leather vambraces, FEET=Climbing boots, RING=null, ARROWS=Adamant arrow, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: stamina potion thread exited

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On 9/15/2020 at 2:48 PM, ther3make said:

hey bud could i please try out a trail 

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

On 9/15/2020 at 5:05 PM, robertsongaming said:

any update on when Regicide will be released. Am hyped!

Still working on it, I didn't forget, it's just that I've been extremely busy irl :feels: 

On 9/16/2020 at 1:05 AM, Zerkentage said:

Can I get a free trial please?

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

On 9/16/2020 at 3:09 AM, obliviuz said:

hey i just bought this script and im getting a error.

im using stealth injection.

Restart the client, make sure you don't run multiple bot tabs in a single client as that can make it run out of memory

On 9/17/2020 at 2:43 AM, gekkebakker said:

i wanna start holy grail quest but it will stand bank and will do nothing


    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IiiiIiiIiiII(qn:727)
    at org.osbot.eC.iIiIiiiiiIII(wr:153)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.pause(qn:550)
    at org.osbot.p.iIIIIiiIIiii(iu:43)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: [SetUsername]:wwg1wga_2020
[WARN][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:42 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:57 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                      Holy Grail    settings:{FOOD=Shark, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Coif, CAPE=Ava's attractor, AMULET=Amulet of glory, WEAPON=Maple shortbow, CHEST=Leather body, SHIELD=null, LEGS=Studded chaps (g), HANDS=Leather vambraces, FEET=Climbing boots, RING=null, ARROWS=Adamant arrow, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:57 AM]: starting stamina potion thread
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]:     5 Shark
    1 Amulet of glory
    1 Coif
    1 Antidote++(4)
    1 Leather vambraces
    1 Amulet of glory(6)
    5 Falador teleport
    1 Leather body
    1 Studded chaps (g)
    1 Ava's attractor
    1 Draynor manor teleport
    1 Maple shortbow
    1 Climbing boots
    500 Adamant arrow
    3 Stamina potion(4)
    5 Camelot teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:41:58 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:00 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:02 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:02 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:02 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:03 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Holy Grail; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: you do not meet the requirements for the current quest: Holy Grail
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:04 AM]: missing requirements for quest: Holy Grail
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                      Holy Grail    settings:{FOOD=Shark, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Coif, CAPE=Ava's attractor, AMULET=Amulet of glory, WEAPON=Maple shortbow, CHEST=Leather body, SHIELD=null, LEGS=Studded chaps (g), HANDS=Leather vambraces, FEET=Climbing boots, RING=null, ARROWS=Adamant arrow, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][09/17 01:42:05 AM]: stamina potion thread exited

You are missing requirements for Holy Grails, which are Merlin's Crystal and 20 Attack

8 hours ago, Omgfarhod said:

Hey man, thank you for this amazing bot.  Any idea when you will be adding more quests and which ones?

Still working on Regicide

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2 hours ago, Token said:

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

Still working on it, I didn't forget, it's just that I've been extremely busy irl :feels: 

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

Restart the client, make sure you don't run multiple bot tabs in a single client as that can make it run out of memory

You are missing requirements for Holy Grails, which are Merlin's Crystal and 20 Attack

Still working on Regicide

hey man thats the thing i am 20 attack and i got merlins crystal done 😛

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