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Stealth Quester


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5 hours ago, cryptokleij said:

i have his script on 2 accounts.

thanks for taking the time to reply with an answer not related to my question at all.

The entitlement I see on this forum from people who have provided nothing to the community is just ridiculous. Never seen such cancer anywhere else. What is even the purpose of having two accounts if you're not trying to circumvent some kind of previous ban? Not sure if he'll see this on another account but if you're going to be a leech at least stay quiet like me, instead of picking fights with mods. Damn.


Edit: Also, if this is still being worked on, I'd like to request The Digsite. A basic quest but annoyingly tedious. 

Edited by fennecer
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On 12/15/2018 at 2:44 PM, woops you die said:

hey buddy, cant get you script on the script selector page,  however if i click my collections it says purchased next to it, 

I heard of something like this before, the guy made a chargeback on paypal against OSBot from what I heard

On 12/15/2018 at 5:24 PM, deadmanmode said:

can i like donate rsgp cuz ur a cool guy?  just out of thankfulness 

Thanks, that's the nicest thing I've heard in a long time :). I'm afraid I can't accept payments personally except for private services, but if you would like to make a donation to OSBot instead, I'm sure they will appreciate it.

On 12/15/2018 at 9:08 PM, iroll said:

how do i  save a preset for a quest? i cant type the item when i try.. do i equip the gear first or what?

Click on a slot and start typing the item name

On 12/15/2018 at 10:55 PM, mijas alhak said:

it keeps freezing or disonnecting in mid of the qeust

That sounds more like an internet connection problem

On 12/16/2018 at 1:22 AM, city22 said:

trying to do the dwarf cannon quest keeps walking bank to bank

Is that on mirror mode? What's printed in the logger? What bank is it going to?

On 12/16/2018 at 1:50 PM, Stefan Gäddnäs said:

Im aabout to buy this script but is there anyway i can try it somehow before? you know so i know it works etc. 19.95 is quite abit of money you know..

Not handling trials atm

On 12/16/2018 at 2:49 PM, django023 said:

i am not able to use a rune scimitar in this script? i see lots of items arent supported

Rune scimitar should be supported, did you type most of the name?

15 hours ago, Mazcon said:

Very nice script. Are you adding more quests? :D


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