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Stealth Quester


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It's not bad but definitely has quite a bit of quirks that make it unreliable:

  • Priest in Peril - Good overall but I had to manually guide it over to the ladder to fight that dog thing the first time and it wouldn't use the gold key with the correct monument
  • Dwarf Cannon - Couldn't do any of the railing fixes
  • Pirates Treasure - Sat there using the rum on the crate even though there was already some in there (manually fixed by dropping the rum)
  • Ernest the Chicken - No problems!
  • Prince Ali Rescue - Doesn't even start the quest, just withdraws items, deposits, withdraws, deposits, etc

Everything besides the questing part works flawlessly. I'm not going to be buying it at the moment but I'd like another trial once you make some updates.

Thanks for the report, I would appreciate if you could be a bit more detailed on that so I know what needs to be fixed. Webwalking is broken right now, if the script sits there for 5 seconds not doing anything doesn't mean it's not going to continue, it's searching for paths, it is supposed to try all monuments until it finds the correct one. Can you be more detailed on those railings as I've never encountered any issues with that? Also did you run all these in the last 8 hours as that's when the last update happened? Did you use a quick start setting or did you manually add quests? Was it a F2P world or P2P? What debug messages did the script send on Prince Ali Rescue when banking? Also, did these all hapen on the same account or multiple accounts? Did you pause/enable input during runtime?

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Animal magnetism

When the bot tried to get bone mean it missed the last pot, so it went down and stood there for a while for no reason.

Also when you get the crone made ghostspeak amulet, the bot tries to talk to the ghost man, however it never finishes the conversation instead it clicks on the ghost man again (loop).

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Animal magnetism

When the bot tried to get bone mean it missed the last pot, so it went down and stood there for a while for no reason.

Also when you get the crone made ghostspeak amulet, the bot tries to talk to the ghost man, however it never finishes the conversation instead it clicks on the ghost man again (loop).

Thanks for the report, I'll make a few accounts with 18 slayer and run some tests on Animal Magnetism.

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Thanks for the report, I'll make a few accounts with 18 slayer and run some tests on Animal Magnetism.

Np, also when it was getting the items for the last phase of the quest, axe, hard leather, polished buttons, holy symbols etc. it kept taking out the items and putting them back in at falador west bank.

Also what does the pure/nmz option mean?





[ERROR] Invalid selection. Lost City can only be completed with magic.

Lost city, how am I able to tell the script that it should use magic??

Edited by Pizzahat
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Np, also when it was getting the items for the last phase of the quest, axe, hard leather, polished buttons, holy symbols etc. it kept taking out the items and putting them back in at falador west bank.

Also what does the pure/nmz option mean?





[ERROR] Invalid selection. Lost City can only be completed with magic.

Lost city, how am I able to tell the script that it should use magic??

3rd tab in the GUI is for selecting gear. Load your gear, save a preset and select that preset in the quest selection screen (you must have a spell selected on autocast when loading gear to be considered a magic preset). Or use the quick preset options. Pure/NMZ is Witch's Potion, Imp Catcher, Waterfall Quest, Lost City, Fight Arena, Vampire Slayer.

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I watched it use the key on the same monument for about 5 minutes until I just paused the script and found it manually.


The script stopped doing things once the railings were in the inventory. I manually fixed them and once the last railing was fixed the script started back up again.


I ran it last night so no not within the last 8 hours.


Manually added quests.




Forgot to look at the debug output sad.png.


Same account.


Yes I was pausing/starting a whole lot to see if it was hung up somewhere that a re-loop would fix.

Then don't worry, I think the last update covered pretty much all of those. Let me know if the issue persists.

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Are you using mirror mode?

EDIT: SDN has been updated and now the script should run much smoother. Let me know if you are still having issues. Also, for those of you trying to run it on mirror mode, OSBot's mirror mode has been most likely missing dialogues/widgets hooks for weeks and has not been fixed yet (most likely included in mirror client v2.2). The script may not behave properly when interacting with dialogues/widgets if you are running it on mirror mode!

i was using mirror. thanks i use the other mode!

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I'll take a free lifetime subscription that I will in all likelihood never use.



5 cranberry cookies and you get lifetime subscription :doge:


Can you make the quest info tab update when selecting quests in the "todo" list as well? Seems to currently only update when selecting quests in the "possible" list.

People aren't generally interested to see info about quests they already added. If you are not sure what the requirements are, you can remove it and select it in the initial list.


would like a trial please and thank you! smile.png  keep up the good work @Token

Authed :doge: QwPha8E.png


any way i can get a trail? can u inbox me ur skype im interested in this 

any way i can get a trail? can u inbox me ur skype im interested in this 

Authed :doge:

My skype is tokenscape, but you can just report bugs here/private chat if you feel more comfortable with that.

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