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Any home remedies for acne?


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It used to be a problem for me but I started to take care of my face and continually washed with soap every morning and night and eventually it went away. Now most of the time it comes back due to stress. I got a little red one underneath both my eyes a couple days back, somewhat close to the cheekbone. Any home remedies I can use? Would rather not switch to a prescription skin care that will dry the fuck out of my face and other side effects.

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Acne is impossible to cure :tears:


But from my own experience, don't ever go for home remedies, if you just wait it will become worse. I'm on a blue light laser therapy for acne right now and that's definately helping me more than prescription products and at the same time it's not drying my skin at all.

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A few things you can do to help clear it up is to get an OTC topical. Something like 10% Benzoyl Peroxide is really good in helping acne clear up. It dries your skin out a lot, making it harder for oil to clog up your pores. With that being said, it only takes pea size of the cream (maybe even less) to cover the area. With this medicine, more doesn't mean better. Also, it could cause skin irritation if you put too much on. It also has the potential to stain clothes. Best used at night when you are asleep (wear a white shirt and have white sheets and you won't have any problems.) Don't use oil based lotion, try using a lotion directed towards acne prone skin. Same with soap. Dove might smell good, but it will clog your pores up really bad. Also use a face wash in the shower that has some exfoliating beads in it. Those will help remove your dead skin that could potentially clog your pores as well. DON'T GET CARRIED AWAY. Don't bee too harsh with the beads, as it may make it worse. And last but not least, keep your face clean at all times. If you sweat, immediately wash your face. Even just plain water is better than nothing. And clean it every morning and night for sure. Hope this helps! Never really experienced acne, but I know these tips will work, as it has kept my face clear!  




Sources: I'm a lame science major ohmy.png

Edited by ProjectPact
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This post describes my life, it goes away kind of for a while and then I get really prone to these dermatitis spots and I get one at a time on my face when my face clears up, they are like pimples that feel really hard and don't pop and when you squeeze them they like push out a little bit of liquid and then get bigger and more red. I just kinda gave up on my acne.

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A few things you can do to help clear it up is to get an OTC topical. Something like 10% Benzoyl Peroxide is really good in helping acne clear up. It dries your skin out a lot, making it harder for oil to clog up your pores. With that being said, it only takes pea size of the cream (maybe even less) to cover the area. With this medicine, more doesn't mean better. Also, it could cause skin irritation if you put too much on. It also has the potential to stain clothes. Best used at night when you are asleep (wear a white shirt and have white sheets and you won't have any problems.) Don't use oil based lotion, try using a lotion directed towards acne prone skin. Same with soap. Dove might smell good, but it will clog your pores up really bad. Also use a face wash in the shower that has some exfoliating beads in it. Those will help remove your dead skin that could potentially clog your pores as well. DON'T GET CARRIED AWAY. Don't bee too harsh with the beads, as it may make it worse. And last but not least, keep your face clean at all times. If you sweat, immediately wash your face. Even just plain water is better than nothing. And clean it every morning and night for sure. Hope this helps! Never really experienced acne, but I know these tips will work, as it has kept my face clear!

Sources: I'm a lame science major ohmy.png

I think I'm going go follow through with this, thanks a ton everyone.

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Do not wash your face too much. That will strip away the natural oil on your face and cause your pores to work overtime creating more oil, leading to more acne. Acne is a pain in the ass and I had it pretty bad growing up. It didnt really go away until my doctor prescribed Accutain which messed up my skin and body but totally cleared up my skin. My biggest advice is dont worry too much about acne. Most people really dont care about it

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A few things you can do to help clear it up is to get an OTC topical. Something like 10% Benzoyl Peroxide is really good in helping acne clear up. It dries your skin out a lot, making it harder for oil to clog up your pores. With that being said, it only takes pea size of the cream (maybe even less) to cover the area. With this medicine, more doesn't mean better. Also, it could cause skin irritation if you put too much on. It also has the potential to stain clothes. Best used at night when you are asleep (wear a white shirt and have white sheets and you won't have any problems.) Don't use oil based lotion, try using a lotion directed towards acne prone skin. Same with soap. Dove might smell good, but it will clog your pores up really bad. Also use a face wash in the shower that has some exfoliating beads in it. Those will help remove your dead skin that could potentially clog your pores as well. DON'T GET CARRIED AWAY. Don't bee too harsh with the beads, as it may make it worse. And last but not least, keep your face clean at all times. If you sweat, immediately wash your face. Even just plain water is better than nothing. And clean it every morning and night for sure. Hope this helps! Never really experienced acne, but I know these tips will work, as it has kept my face clear!  




Sources: I'm a lame science major ohmy.png


Sexy ;)

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Do not wash your face too much. That will strip away the natural oil on your face and cause your pores to work overtime creating more oil, leading to more acne. Acne is a pain in the ass and I had it pretty bad growing up. It didnt really go away until my doctor prescribed Accutain which messed up my skin and body but totally cleared up my skin. My biggest advice is dont worry too much about acne. Most people really dont care about it



Agreed in the fact that washing your face excessively is not the best of one's interest, however after condoning in any type of perspiring activities, it's necessary. :)

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