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ONE word - Corruption


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It's sad to see how the market works around here.


High repped members get way with EVERYTHING.

But if a new member or a "low repped member" repeat something that has been done by a "trusted member", everyone flames him/her.


What defines a trusted member?

Feedback? Dedication on the Forums?


Like most people think, "OMG FEEDBACK, your so trusted."

No wonder people get scammed all the time.

High repped members are the most likely to scam out of everyone.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that most of their reps consist of small $1-10 transactions.


Than we get to staff members.

They normally side with the high repped member, unless it is blatantly obvious that he/she scammed.

These staff members normally have the member added on skype and complete "favors" for the member.


When a low-repped member is accused of scamming with proof, they are banned instantaneously.

BUT, when a high-repped member is accused of scamming with proof, there is a HUGE INVESTIGATION to try and prove the user not guilty.


But don't worry, if they are caught red-handed. "It was a hacker who did it", and they are pardoned.



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It seems you are still salty, I would suggest next time considering how you act.

You have asked to buy gold, you joint the website 14 hours ago, you will of course be asked for certain things to protect ourselves. Who is here saying we are going to scam anyone, or that we are doing $1-10 transactions? We make MORE than enough not to scam, that's why we have donor ranks and so on, so don't be so silly.



I think you should read more into things instead of continuing to act this way, this is how you acted when I refused to sell you gold without security being met, you then decided to try insult me over and over and claimed I was unprofessional for both not selling you gold and deleting you off Skype.

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It seems you are still salty, I would suggest next time considering how you act.

You have asked to buy gold, you joint the website 14 hours ago, you will of course be asked for certain things to protect ourselves. Who is here saying we are going to scam anyone, or that we are doing $1-10 transactions? We make MORE than enough not to scam, that's why we have donor ranks and so on, so don't be so silly.



I think you should read more into things instead of continuing to act this way, this is how you acted when I refused to sell you gold without security being met, you then decided to try insult me over and over and claimed I was unprofessional for both not selling you gold and deleting you off Skype.


Unrelated to the topic, please move on.

Thread does not specifically refer to you.

Would report your post for off-topic and unrelated but I might get warned from Moderator as I'm always in the wrong ;)

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Unrelated to the topic, please move on.

Thread does not specifically refer to you.

Would report your post for off-topic and unrelated but I might get warned from Moderator as I'm always in the wrong wink.png

We all know what it's been placed here for, and this is the spam/off topic so actually unless i'm insulting people I am allowed to post.

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No they don't lol. If anyone can provide enough evidence that somebody scammed, they will be forced to refund or be banned regardless of rank, age or organization.


They can provide enough evidence, but what I'm stating is that the user would be placed under "Trade with Caution" for the time-being and they still are able to access the forums.


But for a low-repped member, they are BANNED ON THE SPOT.

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debuffed did what ever other gold seller would do

also if u wanna buy gold go to divica/bogla or any of the other big gold sellers/buyers cause they like to see ids too

if you go to the dispute on my false feedback he gave me, basically I shouldn't be asking because I don't own a website? Lol, i'm a solo seller a lot like people such as @Zikama he claims to have been around 5 years online, yet he doesn't know how it all works.

They can provide enough evidence, but what I'm stating is that the user would be placed under "Trade with Caution" for the time-being and they still are able to access the forums.


But for a low-repped member, they are BANNED ON THE SPOT.

That is actually false, if you try to avoid the dispute and accept your warning to post there, only THEN you are banned. if you simply get compromised or whatever, and get your account back in a good length of time or appeal your ban, you come back with no issues.

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