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Road to $20k USD Profit from Market in 2016


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Hey guys my name is Casper and this will be a little goal I will try to achieve

I will 100% not stop if I reach 20k, will only try to aim higher.. yolo


Total Made in 2016: $1785



February (2/23/16)-$300

February (2/29/16)-$220

March (3/16/16) - $265

March (3/18/16) - $150

March (3/18/16) - $150


Overview of how things are going:

I only spend 3hrs a day on RS btw

Grinding real hard this month, should easily be able to hit that 2k a month hopefully after this month but who knows.


What counts as profit:

Anything I sell and cashout to my savings account

If I have a large stock of gold, it does not count as profit until I sell it. 

Example: Have 500m bank right now but not selling


What have I spent previous earnings from RS on?:

TBH i bought a bunch of stupid shit... can't sum it up better


Income Streams:

Max Main Rental (Offsite)

Account Services

Account Sales


How do I plan to increase my revenue from RS?:

1. Increase account sales production

2. Potentially make a website?

3. Increase passive income streams


Long Term Goal:

1k USD Per Month

2k USD Per Month

3k USD Per Month


Looking to make some money with me?

No longer need anyone ty tho friends

Edited by Casper
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Hey guys my name is Casper and this will be a little goal I will try to achieve

I will 100% not stop if I reach 20k, will only try to aim higher.. yolo


Total Made in 2016: $600




Overview of how things are going:

I only spend 3hrs a day on RS btw

Grinding real hard this month, should easily be able to hit that 2k a month hopefully after this month but who knows.


What counts as profit:
Anything I sell and cashout to my savings account
If I have a large stock of gold, it does not count as profit until I sell it. 
Example: Have 500m bank right now but not selling
What have I spent previous earnings from RS on?:
TBH i bought a bunch of stupid shit... can't sum it up better


Income Streams:

Max Main Rental (Offsite)

Account Services

Account Sales


How do I plan to increase my revenue from RS?:

1. Increase account sales production

2. Potentially make a website?

3. Increase passive income streams


Long Term Goal:

1k USD Per Month

2k USD Per Month

3k USD Per Month


Looking to make some money with me?

Pm me for my skype


Good luck on goal!

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