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Furnace animation delay


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My script is using a furnace and I am currently using if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) to check if I am already using the furnace. It works most of the time but it occasionally breaks and tries to restart the crafting while it already is crafting. I am guessing it is because there is a small delay between the smithing animations so the script will think the player is not animating. I have experimented with sleeps and seen into getAnimationDelay() but cannot figure it out.


Any help is appreciated :)

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public class Timer {

private long period;

private long start;

public Timer(long period) {

this.period = period;

this.start = System.currentTimeMillis();


public long getElapsed() {

return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start;


public long getRemaining() {

return this.period - this.getElapsed();


public boolean isRunning() {

return this.getElapsed() <= this.period;


public void setPeriod(long period) {

this.period = period;


public void reset() {

this.start = System.currentTimeMillis();


public static String format(long milliSeconds) {

long secs = milliSeconds / 1000L;

return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", secs / 3600L,

secs % 3600L / 60L, secs % 60L);




public boolean isSmithing() {

boolean isSmith = false;

Timer timer = new Timer(1800);

while (timer.isRunning() && !isSmith) {

isSmith = myPlayer().getAnimation() != -1 ? true : isSmith;


return isSmith;


Edited by Sinatra
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public class Timer {
   private long period;
   private long start;
   public Timer(long period) {
       this.period = period;
       this.start = System.currentTimeMillis();
   public long getElapsed() {
       return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start;
   public long getRemaining() {
       return this.period - this.getElapsed();
   public boolean isRunning() {
       return this.getElapsed() <= this.period;
   public void setPeriod(long period) {
       this.period = period;
   public void reset() {
       this.start = System.currentTimeMillis();
   public static String format(long milliSeconds) {
       long secs = milliSeconds / 1000L;
       return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", secs / 3600L,
               secs % 3600L / 60L, secs % 60L);

public boolean isSmithing() {
    boolean isSmith = false;
    Timer timer = new Timer(1800);
    while (timer.isRunning() && !isSmith) {
         isSmith = myPlayer().getAnimation() != -1 ? true : isSmith;
    return isSmith;



Add a timer


Thanks for the help, I'll try this out

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My script is using a furnace and I am currently using if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) to check if I am already using the furnace. It works most of the time but it occasionally breaks and tries to restart the crafting while it already is crafting. I am guessing it is because there is a small delay between the smithing animations so the script will think the player is not animating. I have experimented with sleeps and seen into getAnimationDelay() but cannot figure it out.


Any help is appreciated smile.png


Just do a really long ConditionalSleep.


For example if you are smelting Gold bars you could do something like:

private final ConditionalSleep SMELTING_SLEEP = new ConditionalSleep(100_000) {

    public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
            return !getInventory().contains("Gold ore");

When you start smelting, you can call:


And it will then sleep for up to 100 seconds, or until the inventory no longer contains Gold Ore

Edited by Explv
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