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[UPDATE] SMS & Email Support!


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  • 3 weeks later...

My provider is 02, I live in the UK. When I put in my number I put 077 then of course the rest of my number but i'm not going to post that here >.>

Do you have skype? If so, pm me your skype. Let's see if we can figure this out. Harder for me since you aren't based in the U.S. :D

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did you check the box enable text updates



 Pmed it to you smile.png



We were able to solve the problem! UK providers need to complete a few steps in order to be able to receive texts. I have provided such UK users with a guide on how to activate your texts on the original thread post. Please take a look if anyone is experiencing the same problems! 


- ProjectPact


Link to Post: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/74320-projectpacts-aio-hunter-the-most-advanced-hunter-script/?p=821969



Please keep an eye out for AIO Hunter version 1.1! This release will contain the fix for UK users as well (Allowing +44 area codes to be entered) 

Edited by ProjectPact
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