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Molly's Chaos Druids


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On 11/26/2018 at 3:49 PM, lukey372 said:

Hey molly,

ihe noticed the ban rates are getting higher with this script. I’ve noticed that it’s starting to spam click on teleport/chaos Druid/withdrawing food.

Just wondering if there is a “sleep” function on this script between actions?

There are sleep functions. Does this happen after running the bot multiple times in the same client? For example you run it for a bit, turn it off, start it up later, etc. I've noticed before that when doing that sometimes when you run it again the client actually seems to run two instances of the script causing it to perform the same actions in succession very quickly. I'll take a look into the issue tomorrow after class. it's 2:30am for me so I'm headed to bed right now.

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The interactions seem to be working correctly during my testing, no spam clicking. I assume you haven't had a chance to see my previous post yet so when you do just let me know if the scenario I described is accurate. Before running the script again I'd recommend closing the client and starting a fresh one, if you notice the issue post a copy of your logger for me to take a look at. Just wanted to let you know I looked into it as I said I would!

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15 hours ago, Molly said:

There are sleep functions. Does this happen after running the bot multiple times in the same client? For example you run it for a bit, turn it off, start it up later, etc. I've noticed before that when doing that sometimes when you run it again the client actually seems to run two instances of the script causing it to perform the same actions in succession very quickly. I'll take a look into the issue tomorrow after class. it's 2:30am for me so I'm headed to bed right now.

Yeah by the looks of it that is what is happening unfortunately.

I had a few accounts taken down sadly but that is the nature of the game.

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On 12/1/2018 at 8:01 PM, mathiesdamm said:

Doesnt register loot prices currently, stays at zero.
Had several troubles making it loot, but it somehow works now

Before you next run it restart the client, open the logger and when it starts copy and paste what the logger says here if it still isn't tracking prices. The price data is grabbed from the GE website so if the bot has issues connecting it won't grab the data and the items will be valued at 0.

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