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[Experimental] OSBot 2.4.26 - WalkingEvent


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Just like InteractionEvent once was, WalkingEvent has its own list of nasty bugs. This update hopefully irons out some of the issues while giving scripters a little more freedom and control over walking.


The big stuff:
If the final destination is visible on the minimap, iterate directly to that position in the path
If the next position in a path is too close, iterate to the position after it (fixes some tile spamming)
Added setBreakCondition(), allows scripters to break mid-path
Added safety checks for positions which are set as destinations too many times (fixes some tile spamming)
Added proper sleeping conditions for navigation (fixes minimap spam)
Stopping a script while mid-path will actually work now, breaking from the execution


Additionally I worked on a custom minimap clip found in GraphicUtiilities. Unfortunately it's hardcoded at the moment and when I get a second to come up with something a little more innovative I will. This is currently being used with isOnMinimap(bot)



WalkingEvent setHover() and isHover() has been removed. If you want to use something similar, use InteractionEvent with MainScreenTileDestination.


Let me know how the new Walking is working (or not working).


Download Link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.26.jar




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