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Perfect Stronghold AIO


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The bot and the banking is working perfectly fine now, and everything is going great. However i am experiencing the same issues as the person who posted above me is. I set everything up perfectly and when i wish to go to level 2 of the stronghold to bot at the flesh crawlers, he gets stuck at floor one and the main gates and does not move. (EDIT) I was able to get the bot going again after about 15 minutes!

yooo sup dawg how'd u manage to get dat shid workin after 15 minitz g i had a hard tiem watching it go back and fourththru the stronghold 1 gates and i was like damn son i wana have a fap or some shid u feelme

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yooo sup dawg how'd u manage to get dat shid workin after 15 minitz g i had a hard tiem watching it go back and fourththru the stronghold 1 gates and i was like damn son i wana have a fap or some shid u feelme


Hey, the scripter has updated the bot so it will work. Just need to wait on OSBot to check the update and push it through. Bot should be back 100% in under 12 hours.

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Czar, i love the bot. Simply amazing! There's one thing thou. When food runs out in bank, the bot will get stuck trying to grab the non existing food. Maybe it's possible to make the bot logg out when bank food is gone?

Not a biggie, we can always just bunker up food, but it would still make the bot even more amazing!


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Script is working now, please ignore all the above posts, updates take ~12 hours to register and those posts were related to the old version


thanks all, and good luck ;)


@Scracky darts/arrows should be fine now, let me know if they ever mess up and I will post a fix ASAP :D


@Mystical - glory support will be here very soon, I need it in my AIO fighter too so I absolutely must code it, apologies for lateness

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hi czar script still doing a weird thing.

when you enable break handler it crashes the script.

script stops and it logs you out.

please check as soon as possible it is weekend the best moment to bot :D

NOTE: when is your autofighter comming out and what price it will be ?

Edited by spectre007
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Done, activated trial good luck :)


@Spectre can you show a screenshot of breaks + crashing script? Make sure you don't set the break timer too low (like less than 3 minutes or something)


@Scracky - fixed, it should no longer randomly get stuck in the next version, enjoy :)


version 0.08 has been posted, please allow a few hours for the update to be registered ! :D

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