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Perfect Stronghold AIO


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Potions are supported yep, make sure they are in inventory and bank loadouts, the script will automatically detect them and sip.

As for arrows/ammo, which weapon/ammo? I will make some adjustments to the script.

As for fighting while in combat - turn on fixed mode. Don't use resizable in the meantime, I need to make the script support it.

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Im running this script on the first floor, go thought the first set of doors, then turn left and go through the 2nd set of doors, and have the bot just killing Minotaurs and Wolfs. Everytime it runs out of food, it just stands there and this is what the logger says,

[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:02 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=1871, y=5241, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:02 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:02 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:02 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=1871, y=5241, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:03 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:03 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:03 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=1871, y=5241, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:03 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:03 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:04 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=1871, y=5241, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:04 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/18 02:01:04 PM]: Can't find object!


I have runes in my inventory to be able to tele out and grab more food but it hasn't done it. What is going on? I used to run it couple of months back in the 2nd floor with Flesh Crawlers, and it would always teleport no problem and come back. Am i doing something wrong or what?

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Hello, I have the same problem. I start the bot just before the last door that goes to the lvl 35 fresh crawlers at lvl 2 stronghold and I get these logs;

INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:51 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:51 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:51 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:52 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:52 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:52 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:52 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:52 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:52 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:53 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:53 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:53 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:54 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:54 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:54 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:54 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:54 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:54 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:55 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=2041, y=5191, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:55 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:55 PM]: Can't find object!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:55 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Stronghold Complete...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:56 PM]: // PerfectStronghold terminated
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:56 PM]: // Total combat exp: 0.
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:56 PM]: // Net profit: 0.
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:27:56 PM]: Script Perfect Stronghold Complete has exited!


Also I've tried manually entering the last door and then starting the bot and it just sits there doing nothing, here are the logs:

[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:10 PM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:11 PM]: Definitions loaded: 23064
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:11 PM]: 23 APIs loaded
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:11 PM]: "eq_loaded" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:12 PM]: "ss_sos_walk" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:12 PM]: "force_path" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Banks added: [46]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Floors added: [13]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Scenery added: [2]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Entrances added: [58]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Carpet rides added: [4]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Ships added: [5]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Agility shortcuts added: [10]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Fairy teleport added: [38]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Teleport items added: [36]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Teleport spells added: [12]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: Stronghold added
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:13 PM]: NPC teleports added: [1]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:14 PM]: Added al-kharid gate (free)
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:14 PM]: Added 11500 nodes to graph in [1403ms].
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:15 PM]: Yay!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:16 PM]: Enabled [Stronghold floor 2]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:17 PM]: EatTask loaded
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:17 PM]: Next eat hitpoints: [37]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:17 PM]: // Perfect Stronghold Complete 62.0
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:17 PM]:  2 actionpoints ready
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:17 PM]: Added: Flesh crawler (28)
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:18 PM]: Checkbox [8] modified, identified as [Range mode]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:19 PM]: Checkbox [3] modified, identified as [Loot arrows]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "bank_list_size" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "bank_item_id_0" changed to "1993"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "bank_item_amount_0" changed to "27"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "bank_item_block_0" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: Array: [I@50a82ca6
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "bank_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "ss_guthans_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "bank_condition" changed to "No_food"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: safespot set to: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: deathwalk: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "enable_bone_bury" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: Burying bones: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: looting arrow: true
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: special: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: Setting goal level commands...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "level_task_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: Glory: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: only loot my target: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: "ranged_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: 1 other npcs added.
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: Added npc Flesh crawler - 28
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: == Saved settings ==
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:25 PM]: ---------- ready ----------
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:26 PM]: Chosen ammo [Bronze arrow]x[0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/22 02:30:26 PM]: Set primary weapon to [Maple shortbow]

Edited by pgbseg
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My script is not working at all.. won't move, it will simply correct the camera angle view and thats it. was working fine yesterday.


[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:28:51 PM]: // Perfect Stronghold Complete 60.0
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:28:51 PM]:  2 actionpoints ready
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:28:52 PM]: Enabled [Stronghold floor 2]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:01 PM]: Checkbox [1] modified, identified as [Avoid banking]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:05 PM]: Checkbox [1] modified, identified as [Avoid banking]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Fire rune
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Nature rune
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Grimy ranarr weed
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Grimy avantoe
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Grimy kwuarm
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Grimy cadantine
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Iron ore
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "bank_list_size" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "bank_item_id_0" changed to "379"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "bank_item_amount_0" changed to "26"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "bank_item_block_0" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Array: [I@2198723c
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "bank_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "ss_guthans_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "bank_condition" changed to "No_food"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: safespot set to: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: deathwalk: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "enable_bone_bury" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Burying bones: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: looting arrow: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: special: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Setting goal level commands...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: "level_task_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Glory: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: only loot my target: false
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: == Saved settings ==
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: ---------- ready ----------
[INFO][Bot #1][01/24 02:29:21 PM]: Set primary weapon to [Dragon scimitar]

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Hey Czar, you probably haven't dealt with this in a while but a while ago I purchased both Perfect Crawlers and Perfect Minotaurs from you which I believe was updated to PerfectStronghold? Anyways both of these were running fine for me for the most part but been having trouble lately with minotaurs. I was wondering if both of these scripts can be exchanged to perfectstronghold? 

edit* just noticed your post above about waiting for the next SDN update, Thanks for working on that ?

Edited by SpiritualAbyss
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Having a problem with banking..

[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:33 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:33 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:40 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:40 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:46 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:46 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:53 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:53 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:59 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:12:59 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:06 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:06 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:13 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:13 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:19 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:19 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:26 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:26 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:32 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:33 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:39 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:39 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:46 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:46 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:52 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:52 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:59 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:13:59 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:06 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:06 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:12 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:12 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:19 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:19 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:25 PM]: opening bank 2
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:25 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/09 12:14:26 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Stronghold Complete...


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