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Barbarian Fishing - Tuna/Sword/Sharks


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"Go to an area where you can harpoon swordfish, tuna or sharks; the Fishing Guild and Catherby are good choices. Click on the harpoon spot as you would normally, but without a harpoon equipped or in your inventory, and you will catch a fish using your fingers as bait!"

So as long as you are using a (bad) script that doesn't do a check for harpoon in inventory, then it's no different than normal tuna/swordfish/shark fishing.


source: http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Barbarian_Training#Bare-Handed_Fishing

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i know what the skill is and how to do it lol..

could you suggest a script that doesn't check the equipment spot? thanks


Czar perfect fisher works wonderfully for me. 

Here's a link if you want to check it out! 



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i know what the skill is and how to do it lol..

could you suggest a script that doesn't check the equipment spot? thanks

Okay then you should have known that the only difference is not having a harpoon lol. I think most scripts would check the inventory for a harpoon before the equipment slot because that's how most people harpoon fish, without equipping the weapon.

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Okay then you should have known that the only difference is not having a harpoon lol. I think most scripts would check the inventory for a harpoon before the equipment slot because that's how most people harpoon fish, without equipping the weapon.


what on earth are you talking about dude? have you tried to barb fish using the bot? it doesn't work because there isn't a harpoon equipped or in the inventory.. SO I'm asking if anyone know's a script that supports this type of fishing so i can benefit from the additional strength xp? 

please stop being difficult Volta.. thats pretty sad dude to jump on a thread and just talk down to someone without even attempting to help them.. why are you here? i needed some fucking help now i got some stupid fucking smart ass cunt 12 year old who thinks he's the fucking man by playing captain obvious.. grow the fuck up u stupid dickhead VOLTA YOU HAVE RUINED MY EXPERIENCE ON THESE FORUMS!!! and i have written some lengthy feedback reports for some scripts.. so get fucked asshole


Wooza.... That script SPECIFICALLY says 


  • Make sure to have your fishing equipment on you (fishing net, harpoon etc)

...like cmon dude.. are you all this useless? haha

My script supports this, the option is called barehand fishing and will work at Fishing Guild.


Check the misc menu


THANKS TOM! That's exactly what I'm after, cheers for your help mate!

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what on earth are you talking about dude? have you tried to barb fish using the bot? it doesn't work because there isn't a harpoon equipped or in the inventory.. SO I'm asking if anyone know's a script that supports this type of fishing so i can benefit from the additional strength xp? 

please stop being difficult Volta.. thats pretty sad dude to jump on a thread and just talk down to someone without even attempting to help them.. why are you here? i needed some fucking help now i got some stupid fucking smart ass cunt 12 year old who thinks he's the fucking man by playing captain obvious.. grow the fuck up u stupid dickhead VOLTA YOU HAVE RUINED MY EXPERIENCE ON THESE FORUMS!!! and i have written some lengthy feedback reports for some scripts.. so get fucked asshole


Wooza.... That script SPECIFICALLY says 


  • Make sure to have your fishing equipment on you (fishing net, harpoon etc)

...like cmon dude.. are you all this useless? haha


THANKS TOM! That's exactly what I'm after, cheers for your help mate!


Guess all those swordfish and tuna I have barehanded with that script don't mean anything. Lol.

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what on earth are you talking about dude? have you tried to barb fish using the bot? it doesn't work because there isn't a harpoon equipped or in the inventory.. SO I'm asking if anyone know's a script that supports this type of fishing so i can benefit from the additional strength xp? 

please stop being difficult Volta.. thats pretty sad dude to jump on a thread and just talk down to someone without even attempting to help them.. why are you here? i needed some fucking help now i got some stupid fucking smart ass cunt 12 year old who thinks he's the fucking man by playing captain obvious.. grow the fuck up u stupid dickhead VOLTA YOU HAVE RUINED MY EXPERIENCE ON THESE FORUMS!!! and i have written some lengthy feedback reports for some scripts.. so get fucked asshole

Lmao. I'm glad. Here's a meme for you:


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