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Perfect Thiever AIO


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@Vial I need to know the bot settings, startup settings etc, which thieving style/spot//npc I can't read minds tongue.png


Anyhow, I've just started another account in deadman mode, going so well with nature runes. Going to switch over to ardy knights when at ~2k nats biggrin.png I've tested both methods (since they are the most popular) on my other thievers and found no problems. This is my going to be my 4th account with 90+ thieving hopefully tongue.png

Edited by Czar
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I left  the bot on overnight twice now on 2 accounts each time. I was doing knights in Ardougne on one, and Master Farmer on the other. The settings for the Knights were Bank >> Lobsters >> 20. Anti-Pattern (AntiBan). And that's it. For the Master Farmer account I had Bank >> Lobster >> 12. Plus every option turned on. Woke up and both accounts were just standing in one spot for, I believe, hours. 


I went to restart the Ardougne knight bot and this time I only turned on Banking for 20 Lobsters, and Anti-Pattern. It just went over and pickpocketed a knight once, then stood in one spot with the log saying "unsuccessful pickpocket wtf!!". After about 10 minutes of this I just stopped it and restarted the bot with only Banking for 20 lobsters enabled (no antiban or anything selected). Only having banking enabled seemed to work pretty well but I didn't run it long enough to find out if it's sustainable. 


Overall, I'm disappointed with the bot so far because it hasn't shown to be able to run for long periods of time without babysitting (at least as far as pickpocketing is concerned). Any feedback would be great.

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Czar my accounts get KO'd in DMM by the building method I mentioned earlier to you where a person will attack the bots thieving in a building from a staircase and avoid the guards (could be patched by stopping the script to enter buildings with staircases (other scripts do this as a lot of bots run out of the room straight away.


The second method of the bots dieing is someone lures them to the border of the east wall and someone from the otherside of the wall either mages or ranges the bots and tele grabs the loot. (this method has also been patched in other scripts - the bots will not walk close enough to the wall to get attacked the bots pause until the knight comes back.)

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Yep I am currently adding an extra layer of anti-lure to all the exits, so far it only tries to avoid the knight if its there, but I am adding support so if the bot's tile is near that area then it will run to bank or something


As for the pickpocket once, and stop script, I am going to the script right now (again). Nothing was changed in the pickpocketing system, it was left how it was since the last best working version, but I will see if I find any problems.


Oh crap, if you are pickpocketing, make sure to hide the npc attack option so that Pickpocket is the first option on the list when right clicking an npc ohmy.png




It works like a charm, so far so good and only 5 mins in, need to get more food though :P




It even right clicks if there's a tree in the way (in this case an Oak tree), and spams when there is nothing in the way of the npc ;)

Edited by Czar
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Hey! When will the extra layer of anti-lure be added to the exits?

I have to baby watch all the time at the min :(

Yep I am currently adding an extra layer of anti-lure to all the exits, so far it only tries to avoid the knight if its there, but I am adding support so if the bot's tile is near that area then it will run to bank or something


As for the pickpocket once, and stop script, I am going to the script right now (again). Nothing was changed in the pickpocketing system, it was left how it was since the last best working version, but I will see if I find any problems.


Oh crap, if you are pickpocketing, make sure to hide the npc attack option so that Pickpocket is the first option on the list when right clicking an npc ohmy.png




It works like a charm, so far so good and only 5 mins in, need to get more food though tongue.png




It even right clicks if there's a tree in the way (in this case an Oak tree), and spams when there is nothing in the way of the npc wink.png


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I've just tested the anti-pk, I had one account using the script pickpocketing the knight or ardougne. My other account lured the knight to the east wall and the account that was thieving ran all the way with the knight up to the wall sad.png so if that was lurers it would be dead.


Czar what is the anti-pk supposed to do?

Can you not make it so the script knows not to go anywhere near an exit wall especially east as it is the common lure spot.

Even if the knight walks there on it's own the bots stand at the wall and could be PK'd.


The version of the script is 0.61

The extra layer of anti-pk is in version 0.61 of the bot, we just gotta wait for an update from admin, don't worry it works very well biggrin.png


Edited by scott94
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