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13 minutes ago, Czar said:

No don't worry about that, the OSBot mouse always clicks a different X,Y coordinate for all bots (unless we overrid it in our scripts), however it may look similar to the human eye. If you want I can add more variation when clicking though!

more visible variation would be amazing!

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Make sure to zoom out and set client resolution to fixed/classic, it will work better! Also lower reaction timer from 1000ms (default mirror client) to 50ms using the SHIFT + F3/F4 keys, so the client detects combat more accurately. In the meantime I will run some tests there and take a look at the code, will make sure it works better for you :)

As for trials, activated. Can't wait to release rogue's den full area, and currently gunning to get blackjack released as quickly as possible.

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7 hours ago, Czar said:

Make sure to zoom out and set client resolution to fixed/classic, it will work better! Also lower reaction timer from 1000ms (default mirror client) to 50ms using the SHIFT + F3/F4 keys, so the client detects combat more accurately. In the meantime I will run some tests there and take a look at the code, will make sure it works better for you

i will try zooming out all the way to see if it helps, before I was already in fixed mode and 50ms. Hopefully this helps.

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@Czar Great script, but I noticed that when using jugs of wine as food, the first time it tries to drop it, it always fails to drop it. Then after one second(assuming the script checks for empty jugs, it tries to drop it again, in which it successfully drops it. Using on Mirror mode 50ms and fixed mode. A small bug, but I think would increase efficiency and make it less bot like. Do you think this would be fixable? Thanks in advance! 😃

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@bottingisfun999 Okay so with inventory items there is a new mirror mode update coming thanks to MGI, he updated the inventory/item related stuff, it should be much quicker and more stable. So dropping should be improved globally across all bots, in the meantime I recommend turning on shift drop if not already on, and leaving it at 1000ms instead of 50 for now. However, I will also be posting an update so that it doesn't attempt to drop too quickly (low loop cycles). So it will be working better for you for sure.

@eddy5578 which bank, and what're you pickpocketing, also which items are you keeping. If you post a screenshot of your exact setup I'll be able to help you much easier + quicker, I will make sure it works for you.

Please refresh scripts inside the client, the bot will appear, if not shoot me a PM and I will make sure the bot is launchable. In the meantime I will auth you so you can use it without buying for now.

Enjoy trials, PS check out the upcoming update:

Been testing with mirror, and been working on rogues' den maze, as well as a few changes to the bot, preview:





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