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Perfect Thiever AIO


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  • Only drop the items from the stall/person being stolen from. Ex. The bot will drop items at stalls such as Coins while on drop all. 
  • Drop 1 selection for stalls still uses the right click drop even if shift clicking is enabled.
  • Possibly add an option to fight the guards while stealing from stalls. 
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@Czar good script overall but sadly it has so many bugs that it's basically unusable over long periods. The script will literally just stop for absolutely no reason and get stuck. Also blackjacking needs a major update due to it only being able to blackjack for about 5 minutes before needing food (use the noted item method). When getting cakes from the bakers stall it doesn't drop the unwanted items like chocolate cake slice/bread and also doesn't eat when health gets low so the character just ends up dying.

The script doesn't handle dying very well either it just logs out.


I think some of the problems with the script are down to how much useless content there is in script. I get that the script is AIO but it would be better to take some of the unused NPC's out of the script and just focus on the important NPC's like paladins, knights, guards, men and blackjacking. The chests do work very well though.


The paint is also very good and it calculates the XP rates very accurately.


I hope this gives some advice for future updates. I do really think the script has much potential <3


-Flewis :doge: 

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