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5 minutes ago, Czar said:

Posted a small update with various fixes, will be adding more updates along the way, thanks guys! :D

Will also be adding a profit counter for pickpocketing ASAP :D

As for bank pins, hmm is it a pending bank pin which takes like X days to activate? I will see what I can do :D

On the bank pin, no its a PIN that's been active for quite a while. Usually I login before starting it, so I enter then PIN myself first, not sure if that breaks it or not. But I come back after it breaks and its just chilling at the PIN screen.



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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Fixed, just pushed update v184 sorry guys, stalls should be updated to reflect the actual slider now.

Update will go live within a few hours max, just waiting on update to get processed :D

Figured out what the issue was with the bank pin. OSB client decided to not save it in the login info part of he client, was nothing to do with your script. Just thought id give you a heads up :)

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The update is now live, it shouldn't be slow anymore with stalls, can you restart the client and confirm how it works for you please ^^ :D If still no good, I will just revert my last update before I changed the stall speed so it goes back to normal :D

As for bank pin, glad to hear it works, I knew bank pins were clientside since scripts don't have access to those types of information :D 

As for master farmers, there is a customizable drop table, activated trial. I am working on saving/loading script settings as we speak. :D 

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