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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Which thieving option? I will try and reduce lag even more, but keep in mind the more times the script is restarted, the more lag there is, if you start the script only once there should be no lag, but if you stop script , then start again, and again, it will increase the lag


I have a few ideas to make the script run even faster, will be posting some nice updates right now


as for trial, gl activated 24h trial, thanks everyone for all the support, this bot has been very successful recently thanks to you guys :D

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if you start the script only once there should be no lag, but if you stop script , then start again, and again, it will increase the lag




even on your first start sometimes it lags horribly, and sometimes when you pause/play not even stop it lags

and you cant just remove some of the lag

the script is entirely broken and shouldnt be lagging at all

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