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Perfect Thiever AIO


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yep, blackjacking method is insane xp, I will definitely add support for it, in fact I can even probably squeeze in The Feud from my quest bot (if i'm allowed to include it here) so anybody can do blackjacking all-in-one. Besides, it's all just knock-out npc and pickpocket twice right? shouldn't be too difficult to add I hope :P



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yep, blackjacking method is insane xp, I will definitely add support for it, in fact I can even probably squeeze in The Feud from my quest bot (if i'm allowed to include it here) so anybody can do blackjacking all-in-one. Besides, it's all just knock-out npc and pickpocket twice right? shouldn't be too difficult to add I hope tongue.png



:o Any plan to release a questing script?

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Besides, it's all just knock-out npc and pickpocket twice right? shouldn't be too difficult to add I hope tongue.png


Yep, but it would need to be able to climb up and back down a ladder/run away from combat and lure the thug/bandit back in the house. Also if it could un-note noted food at the banknote exchange merchant in pollivneach for endless blackjacking that would be awesome :D

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Good question, I will definitely add an option to thieve more food. In fact I will add it right now, before the script goes live biggrin.png thanks for the suggestion smile.png


Yep, trials will go out ASAP when the SDN manager releases this script live biggrin.png


Awesome thank you. I will purchase if it works well on dead man mode.


Is there any measures used with this script to ensure that the player does not accidentally attack a player? For example, pickpocketing knights will only use left-click. (Always right-click is enabled in the game settings.) This will prevent the 'attack' option from ever being clicked.


I hope that made some sense.



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