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The time has come. RIP


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Huh, I don't even know how to begin heh. While I knew that I was going to get banned, the feeling you get when it says "Your account have been disabled" It's just.. weird. 


Anyway, I had lots of fun, it was a unique experience and I wanna thank everyone of you. Scripters, designers and ofc the developers for ALL the work you put in for this amazing bot, I also wanna add a special thank you to Frost Bug for his awesome Barrows script. I got to 1600 chests and around 110m in loot thanks by him. I never had the chance to transfer the gold but I was preparing for it. 


That's all, thank you smile.png


Also, one strange thing I noticed. I got banned the second I logged into deadman mode (on osbuddy). Idk if it had anything to do with it tho. Now we all can hope that my main of 10 years will be untouched (never botted on).


Again, see you around fellas and may the favor always be on your side.

Edited by Sauron
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