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Need a dynamic signature background made. $10 and Diclonius MTA script


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Hi, I need someone to make a graphic for my dynamic signatures.


What I'm after is a background image the values will be written over the top of. It needs to be simmilar to my current signature and have areas for 7 values. (Username,Time ran,xp gained,alchemy points,telekinetic points,enchantment points and graveyard points). It should be small enough to be used as an OSBot signature.


I'm paying $10 via paypal, btc or UKBT and an auth of my premium script DicloniusMTA.  Please post here or PM me if can do this for me.

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Just FYI, osbot signature dimensions are 500x300. Also, why not make it only 4 boxes? exp, name, points (total) and time


I think if you combined the values for the points it would be neater and more impressive biggrin.png



It wouldn't be a good idea to combine the points because they aren't really relative. enchantment points are worth roughly 10x less than the other types and are gained about 10x faster. Enchantment is also a bit more popular since it's the best method for fast xp, this means that if I combine it, the vast majority of the points would just be enchantment points.

what kind of animation in the background?

No animation, it needs to be a png file.

Edited by Diclonius
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