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Thieving Help (1st Script)


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Ok so I'm new to scripting, I have some understanding of Java and have been able to at least start a working script. I've been reading through the API but I can't figure out how to do this. There are several silk stalls. I want to theive from the same one, rather than running to the next closest stall when the first one is all out. 


I am using: Entity stall = objects.closest(11729);


How can I make it so it will only do one stall specifically, rather than running across to the second stall? I tried using the stall ID but I realized all stalls have the same ID so I was still running everywhere. I was thinking using some sort of filter with the coords but idk how



Also, I'm trying to use combat().getFighting() to register when a guard attacks because I have a kill state where I want to kill the guard, register he's dead, and then move onto the steal state etc. Any tips?

Edited by Chris1665
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Entity stall = getObjects().closest("Silk stall");
Position p = stall.getPosition();
//thieve Stall
//on other loops, do this
Entity stall = (Entity) getObjects().closest(new Filter<RS2Object>() {
    public boolean match(RS2Object rs) {
        return (rs.getPosition().equals(p) && rs.getName().contains("stall"));

if (stall != null && !stall.getName().equals("Market stall")) {
    //thieve stall

The idea is that you do not want to thieve "Market stall" but rather the silk stall/tea stall/whatever stall, so you save the position when you first locate it to search in that position again :)

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(Not written in an IDE, whatever)

Global variables.

private Optional<Entity> stall = Optional.empty();

private Position position = new Position(0, 0, 0); // Set this to the position of your stall.

private Predicate<Entity> predicate = p -> p != null && p.exists() && p.getName().equals("Silk stall") && p.getPosition().equals(position); 

private Comparator<Entity> comparator = new Comparator<Entity>() {
            public int compare(Entity a, Entity b) {
                return bs.getMap().distance(a.getPosition()) - bs.getMap().distance(b.getPosition());


public int onLoop() {
if(!stall.isPresent() || !predicate.test(stall.get()) {
stall = getObjects().getAll().stream().filter(predicate).min(comparator);
else {
return 1337;
Edited by Botre
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