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Perfect Fletcher AIO


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Steel arrows appear to be working fine, it's not stopping at all o_O I will make it wait for longer though, because it's kinda fast (just tested it)


gratz to @oohrahim for 99 fletching!! 




Okay :), it appears to be working now. I don't know if it was a client issue or something. However, it will click to make 10 sets and then only allow time for 5 or 6 sets to pass and then click again to make another 10. That may have been what you were referring to when you said that it was going too quickly :).

Thank you for your updates :)

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restart client wink.png


As for headless arrows, I have just added them to the GUI, enjoy wink.png update will be live within a few hours biggrin.png


Do you know when this script is set to be updated? It has been almost a week and I still see no option for headless arrows and when making steel arrows it still is not allowing time for the full 10 sets to be made before trying to make another batch.


If I am messing up anywhere while setting the script up, please let me know so that I may correct my actions. :)


Thank you.

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Am I setting this script up wrong or is it just not equipped with fail safes when supplies run out? My experience of this has been while stringing longbows, if there are no longer any unstrung bows the script will return over & over & over & over again that it ran out of items, but the script keeps running. Now I am fairy confident the script is coded well in that it isn't doing anything crazy like depositing bow strings & taking them back out over & over again while this is occuring; but it will leave the account logged in and keep running the script for hours. This concerns me and I hope that a failsafe could be implemented to prevent this from happening.



A side note, are you able to implement a feature where it can be selected to begin stringing bows upon completion of cutting them?



Thank you for your time :)

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