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  • 2 weeks later...

I botted for 1~3 hours  a day on my account,on day 3 i  got a perma ban with 10m on it.Which i am not really surprised since the scripts acts way too much like a bot;the mouse always stands on the exact same place when fletching,doesnt take random brakes,doesnt turn the camera and etc. Not worth for the account lost with the money on it  plus the 8 dollars.

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14 hours ago, kingtinho said:

I botted for 1~3 hours  a day on my account,on day 3 i  got a perma ban with 10m on it.Which i am not really surprised since the scripts acts way too much like a bot;the mouse always stands on the exact same place when fletching,doesnt take random brakes,doesnt turn the camera and etc. Not worth for the account lost with the money on it  plus the 8 dollars.

breaks are handled by the client.. Go to client -> settings -> Activate breaks -> set break timer and duration :D As for turning camera while fletching .. hmm I can add that but it will become patternized over time, even if the timer is random - leading to even faster bans + script being profiled.. 1-3 hours is far too quick for a ban, are you sure you didn't get delay-banned from previous scripts?

There are plenty of 99 level-ups literally a few posts back, check out the preventing botting bans guide by an official dev:


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5 minutes ago, kingtinho said:

I only used this script and got banned it behaves too much like a bot,plus,the ban was manual since the message that i got after getting banned wasnt  automated.

Oh then it must've been either a mass ban wave or manual jmod ban, hmm did you make sure to bot in a populated world + populated bank like the GE?

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