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Perfect Fletcher AIO


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It had GE support temporarily but I had to remove it because it was unstable and unreliable, I can't afford to add something like that unless I label it as a beta feature, with a disclaimer or something.


With GE there are too many options and too many things that can go wrong, e.g. what if the item doesn't sell/buy, your account will be forced to just sit there or something, for hours maybe, and then complaints will be posted 'ah why didn't i get any xp blahblah' etc. 


I will be trying to make some kind of system that makes the bot log out for X minutes/hours, then log back in, check if the items sold/bought, if not, adjust price possibly.


A solution can be to offer 2 sets of inputs regarding the price, 


Original sell price: [  - 5%   ]

If nothing sells: [    -15%    ]


So the bot will start selling at -5%, if it doesn't sell/buy for X minutes, it will remove the item and try again for the next one (in this case -15% price) how's that?

Edited by Czar
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It had GE support temporarily but I had to remove it because it was unstable and unreliable, I can't afford to add something like that unless I label it as a beta feature, with a disclaimer or something.


With GE there are too many options and too many things that can go wrong, e.g. what if the item doesn't sell/buy, your account will be forced to just sit there or something, for hours maybe, and then complaints will be posted 'ah why didn't i get any xp blahblah' etc. 


I will be trying to make some kind of system that makes the bot log out for X minutes/hours, then log back in, check if the items sold/bought, if not, adjust price possibly.


A solution can be to offer 2 sets of inputs regarding the price, 


Original sell price: [  - 5%   ]

If nothing sells: [    -15%    ]


So the bot will start selling at -5%, if it doesn't sell/buy for X minutes, it will remove the item and try again for the next one (in this case -15% price) how's that?

Hey Czar, I've gotten the fisher via 2 for 1 deal, I bought 2 more scripts, Can I get this fletcher as part of the 2 for 1 deal? Proof of purchase of 4 of your scripts https://gyazo.com/9a681c0515f2f0903722f538ec142e95

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It had GE support temporarily but I had to remove it because it was unstable and unreliable, I can't afford to add something like that unless I label it as a beta feature, with a disclaimer or something.


With GE there are too many options and too many things that can go wrong, e.g. what if the item doesn't sell/buy, your account will be forced to just sit there or something, for hours maybe, and then complaints will be posted 'ah why didn't i get any xp blahblah' etc. 


I will be trying to make some kind of system that makes the bot log out for X minutes/hours, then log back in, check if the items sold/bought, if not, adjust price possibly.


A solution can be to offer 2 sets of inputs regarding the price, 


Original sell price: [  - 5%   ]

If nothing sells: [    -15%    ]


So the bot will start selling at -5%, if it doesn't sell/buy for X minutes, it will remove the item and try again for the next one (in this case -15% price) how's that?

Sounds good!

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Good idea, I will make it prioritize the banking npc over the banking object, to avoid any misclicks in GE bank, you're right though, it can be seen as a nice anti-ban since it's classified as a mistake, mistakes are perfect for making a bot seem human :)


As for proggy, will add to main thread, thanks ! :D

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