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Quality of Life

Hashtag Sk00n

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1. The ability to scroll through your bank, chat box, etc. Normal OSRS clients have this capability.

2. The quality of life improvement will increase the happiness of 100% of the community. I occasionally play the game without the use of a bot (wow! insane! he must be crazy), but enjoy the availability of having my bots on hand, ready to be used.

3. No clue :\



Here is a video of me trying to use my mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the chat box and the bank on the mirror client:


Here is a video of me trying to use my mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the chat box, bank, and clan chat on a normal OSRS client:



Update: I remember my main concern biggrin.png (previously forgot to include to original post)


When you press tab in game to reply to the most recent message recipient. I very much so enjoy communicating and conversing with friends to liven the boring mood of grinding (and botting). To do this, I used to click the mouse over function so my bot would continue to grind out while I have the availability to press tab and message back.


So here it is plain and simple:


1. Scrolling in mirror mode (banks, chat box, clan chat list, etc.)

2. Press tab to reply.



These are both in-game functions that can be used in the normal OSRS client and in the stealth injection, so try to find a way to enable the use of mouse wheel scrolling and the tab key to reply.


Thank you for reading

Edited by Hashtag Sk00n
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This would be useful to an extent as I use AHK to log into my accounts and they use tab in the string which they type to switch between user and pass. This is useful cus half the time i dont even know the users/passwords so the ahk sorts that out for me!


As for bank scrolling and chatbox scrolling, sure, this might be useful, but clicking seems to be okay too. But yes, this would be a handy update if it's not too time consuming to write



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This would be useful to an extent as I use AHK to log into my accounts and they use tab in the string which they type to switch between user and pass. This is useful cus half the time i dont even know the users/passwords so the ahk sorts that out for me!


As for bank scrolling and chatbox scrolling, sure, this might be useful, but clicking seems to be okay too. But yes, this would be a handy update if it's not too time consuming to write




I updated my original post to include pressing tab to reply to pm's. You can not tell me that wouldn't help the communities morality, none the less ban rates for people who actually supervise their bots.

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