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Microsoft Windows 10 Countdown


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What multi monitor feature thing? Its the same as any windows version,


Being able to start new is a desired skill in a lot of jobs, as technology is always getting better





Oh, virtual desktops, yeah theyre awesome, though I probably won't use them much.

You don't have to use multiple, you can stick to one desktop, if you've ever botted on a vps, youve most likely experienced it before.

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All these noobs saying they will try it on another pc first, have you ever heard of dual boot?


Dual boot with 2 windows installs is a pain in the ass.


Not to mention some people don't want to repartition their drives and mess around with the bootloader...


And if you have a computer sitting around... why not?

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Dual boot with 2 windows installs is a pain in the ass.


Not to mention some people don't want to repartition their drives and mess around with the bootloader...


And if you have a computer sitting around... why not?


I don't think its anything difficult, and ofcourse if you have a computer sitting around theres no reason not to do it.

But some people act like if they go W10 they can't go back. 

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