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Khal AIO Stronghold


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Wow, very impressed!


The script isn't answering the security questions correctly yet, so bankwalking is impossible without babysitting atm. I would also suggest enabling eating to make space for drops!


Other than that, this script is amazing! If you need a paint, I'd be happy to do it!


EDIT: Also had some trouble running to the bank when it was out of food. Started talking to the barbarian next to the stronghold entrance.


I would also suggest adding a 'deposit all' when banking before withdrawing the food. Nothing too important, but it'd be nice if, even though the amount of food selected doesn't exceed the items already in the inventory, these items would be placed safely into the bank




In summary:


a) banking


-Withdrawing the food seems to be flawless, but it needs to deposit the loot from the previous trip before doing so


b ) walking


-Has some trouble getting from barbarian village to the edgeville bank

-Doesn't properly answer security questions


c) combat


-seems to be flawless. Perhaps the only small thing is that when out of food, it should immediately start running towards the bank instead of fighting another target before running below the hp threshold. This would avoid death when the player is unable to kill his target in time.


d) looting


-Also seems flawless. Perhaps make it so that bones are automatically added to the loot table when burying them is selected? Would also like to be able to save my loot table, it's a real bitch to type everything again


Here's a screenie of an hour:


Edited by MillSup
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Wow, very impressed!


The script isn't answering the security questions correctly yet, so bankwalking is impossible without babysitting atm. I would also suggest enabling eating to make space for drops!


Other than that, this script is amazing! If you need a paint, I'd be happy to do it!


EDIT: Also had some trouble running to the bank when it was out of food. Started talking to the barbarian next to the stronghold entrance.


I would also suggest adding a 'deposit all' when banking before withdrawing the food. Nothing too important, but it'd be nice if, even though the amount of food selected doesn't exceed the items already in the inventory, these items would be placed safely into the bank




In summary:


a) banking


-Withdrawing the food seems to be flawless, but it needs to deposit the loot from the previous trip before doing so


b ) walking


-Has some trouble getting from barbarian village to the edgeville bank

-Doesn't properly answer security questions


c) combat


-seems to be flawless. Perhaps the only small thing is that when out of food, it should immediately start running towards the bank instead of fighting another target before running below the hp threshold. This would avoid death when the player is unable to kill his target in time.


d) looting


-Also seems flawless. Perhaps make it so that bones are automatically added to the loot table when burying them is selected? Would also like to be able to save my loot table, it's a real bitch to type everything again


Here's a screenie of an hour:


Hey MillSup nice to see you again.


Wthat is your setup? Client version? Are you using Use Less CPU? The door handling and walking to bank both work fine for me, so not sure what's going on with that.


As for the deposit all at the bank, I must have forgotten it, was supposed to happen :P I'll add that and the settings saving tonight.


I'll change the food suggestion to be what you said, it'll start going to the bank as soon as food is gone instead of watiing for the threshold.

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Throughout the day;






Ran out of food, and it banked fast etc, took a weird path back down to Flesh Crawlers, and it got stuck on this door/question.


Log said it was unable to find the answer. I believe the question was, "Can I leave my account logged in while I am away from the room?" (not correct but really close).



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Throughout the day;






Ran out of food, and it banked fast etc, took a weird path back down to Flesh Crawlers, and it got stuck on this door/question.


Log said it was unable to find the answer. I believe the question was, "Can I leave my account logged in while I am away from the room?" (not correct but really close).



Thanks a lot for the screenshot, it was really helpful :P I believe I have fixed that question, but just in case I added a failsafe.


The weird path is probably because the script decided that path was going to be a bit faster to walk, shouldn't be too big of a problem though.


Pushed version 1.31 with these fixes :)

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