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Khal AIO Tabmaker


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First time i ran the script it was all good , but the second time it just gets stuck at teleporting to house or gets stuck at turning camera to demon buttler.


Pd1: Also you should add a option to use a friends house and unnote at phin @ rimmington it would be great :)


Pd2: i dont have images of the bugs cuz i reseted the script and osbot so many times to make it work and the only way i made it work is by entering my house in building mode but only after the 5nth try.

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Hi, I just got a trial and just wanted to let you know the butler handling is pretty buggy,

-the character will often lose the butler and wait around until he appears in sight again running to click on him

-butler will be stuck behind the wall

-will continue to click on butler when butler is holding x amount of clays while inventory is full, just spam clicks butler until manual stop (UPDATE: This happens once my law runes run out)

-tries firing the butler but gets stuck at the "are you sure" inference.


those are a couple things I noticed, other than that when it runs in good harmony with the butler it's really a great script, look forward to seeing those little details updated and will most definitely be purchasing the script when they are!


Edited by dizzy pk3r
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Hey Khal, overall this is a very nice script and thanks for making it!  However, there are some things that could be improved.  At the moment, this isn't a script i can run for long hours or leave on while i go to work because it tends to break a lot.  There are a few times it can run for 4 hours but other times maybe 3 minutes to an hour max.


- Laggy servers are a huge problem and if I disconnect, the script will be unable to recover and get setup again. (A failsafe that allows for reentering the portal and setting up again would be awesome!)

- As people mentioned before it sometimes pulls up the yes or no option to fire the butler.

- This doesn't affect performance but it tends to type out numbers into chat quite a lot (Ex. 44, 30, 38, 35, etc)


Other than that, the script runs great and it's one of my most used scripts.  If you have time to fix these problems that would be awesome! Thanks again!


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Script updated to V0.09:

- fixed rimmington unnoting


I couldn't adress fireing the butler, the script NEVER presses '3' onto the keyboard. (since fire is the third option)

I ran the script for about 16 hours without firing the butler once.


If you still experience this issue, plz give me some more details on it ...




You gave me a free trial, is this why i can't make ardy teleports?

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I got several accounts smile.png thx anyway.

I have updated some of it, but it's not 100%.


So I rather spend a bit longer to make sure it works 100% instead of releasing something with issues.



Hey the script works great! Just ran it for like 17 hrs :P there are only two things that I see that are problems. First, it seem to sometimes just type random numbers still like 39 31 49 35 34. Secondly, Is there something you can add to make it log out when there is no clay left? It just keeps asking the demon butler to bring more when there is none. Those were the only two problems and ran 20k tabs pretty smoothly, Thanks!

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How did you get it to run for 17 hours?!

Hey the script works great! Just ran it for like 17 hrs tongue.png there are only two things that I see that are problems. First, it seem to sometimes just type random numbers still like 39 31 49 35 34. Secondly, Is there something you can add to make it log out when there is no clay left? It just keeps asking the demon butler to bring more when there is none. Those were the only two problems and ran 20k tabs pretty smoothly, Thanks!

Servers always disconnect me after like an hour or two and the script doesn't recover even with house teleport back.  What am I doing wrong?

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