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Khal AIO Tabmaker


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Bug report Template:

- Mirror or regular client? regular

- What banking method? not banking, using demon butler

I didn't get a ss of the paint yet, i will next time i catch it happening. The issue im having is once in awhile the script gets stuck with the status in paint being interacting with demon butler, it will just stay like that until i either restart the script, or pause the script and use the call servant button to get the butler next to me and then resume the script. Only happens once in awhile, last time it had made 4k tabs before it happened.

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Bug report Template:

- Mirror or regular client?  Regular

- What banking method? Demon Butler

Script has never worked. Now it is just stuck with interacting with butler. It will call the demon to unnote, after it has come back instead of making tabs it calls for the demon again. It does this forever. Has not made a single tab.

Do not buy script until issue is fixed.


Edited by skrtttskrtt
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you add an option to display the stats somewherre else without the picture blocking the chatbox?

Due to the client being really buggy when it comes to disabling userinput (atleast for cli) since a few patches its not possible to see why/where the script got stuck (due to laggs) so i cant fix it without restarding the entire client.



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