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Perfect Miner AIO


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On 11/20/2022 at 7:58 AM, sean0109 said:

Hi Czar got brought a few of you're scripts overtime, this is my next purchase! could i get a trail on the perfect miner?

Awesome <3 It means a lot thank you. Done added trial it should be visible in your client now glglgl 🙏 

Btw you picked a really good time to bot, the new devbuild (.57) seems to be working really well against bans :doge: 

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On 11/21/2022 at 5:41 PM, Czar said:

Sure thing, added trial enjoy <3 you should now see the bot in your client glgl 🙏 also I recommend enabling the setting [new mouse] and [stealth injection], this seems to be working well nowadays.

Do you recommend the hardware mouse option as well? Or does it not make a difference?

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19 minutes ago, mrisperfect210 said:

Do you recommend the hardware mouse option as well? Or does it not make a difference?

Hardware mouse is good but it will take control of your mouse so you can't use PC while botting, I would recommend sticking to new mouse + stealth injection until mirror gets a anti bot detection update

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Hey Czar, I'm noticing that the script has a issue on world hopping and selecting speedrun worlds when you select f2p, I was wondering if you could look into it for me. Thanks Czar, loving the script, has taken me 80 from 1 so far 👍


In specific, it seems to be selecting world 502 over and over for some reason


I noticed that, because it's world switching, when it comes to the breaks i added, it doesn't click the X to go back to the log in. So then it keeps clicking the big X at the top and doesn't break

Edited by mrisperfect210
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