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Perfect Miner AIO


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Are you mining from list or manually selected ores from screen? Also, did you set a custom mining tile? I just tested and it went to port sarim, deposited, and started walking back to rimmington mine (with list mode). I made the script default to osbot's webwalker, and if a path can't be found, it will use my webwalker as an emergency option which used to be the default walker since the beginning of the script.

I will run some more tests. will check out spam click with mirror mode too.

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15 minutes ago, Czar said:

Are you mining from list or manually selected ores from screen? Also, did you set a custom mining tile? I just tested and it went to port sarim, deposited, and started walking back to rimmington mine (with list mode). I made the script default to osbot's webwalker, and if a path can't be found, it will use my webwalker as an emergency option which used to be the default walker since the beginning of the script.

I will run some more tests. will check out spam click with mirror mode too.

I tried both these methods. Bot was stuck for 6 hours (including break time)


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16 minutes ago, Wishy said:

I tried both these methods. Bot was stuck for 6 hours (including break time)


I am running the script as we speak and it seems to be running fine, but I am not using mirror mode. I will try with mirror mode to see if there is a difference. Also, are you using default client for hooking mirror client (not runelite or any other clients)? Did you hook client while logged out?

I tested the walking part and it seems to run fine initially, I will keep the script running for a long period of time and see if there are any errors and fix ASAP :D 


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38 minutes ago, Czar said:

I am running the script as we speak and it seems to be running fine, but I am not using mirror mode. I will try with mirror mode to see if there is a difference. Also, are you using default client for hooking mirror client (not runelite or any other clients)? Did you hook client while logged out?

I tested the walking part and it seems to run fine initially, I will keep the script running for a long period of time and see if there are any errors and fix ASAP :D 


Used the official client (as im on mac) was logged out ect. fixed mode. 

I only had the running issue with 1 account. Currently i am running this script at V West as anytime i start botting at Rimmington i get banned. Even on fresh Ip's

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Ugh I forgot the bot and left it for 3 hours, looks like it went well. I am not using mirror client though, and if I see a mirror mode console log I will report it so it can get updates like it usually does ^^ :D


I will run some tests with mirror client too. If you have any console logs, copy/paste them. Everything seems fine on non-mirror though ^^ :D Stay tuned, got some updates on the way :)

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Hey Czar great script! First I have ever used, noob botter here. It works great I seem to have the biggest problem with spam clicking and banking (path-finding/mining with full inventory). Seems that when spam click is activated with mouse movement off screen. I have trouble with my char not going to bank and will continue to try to mine with full inventory. I don't have pick axe equipped so i have 27 free inventory spaces or (insert ore here). Seems with spam click it reacts before any action is actually fulfilled. Will start a bank trip then click ore to mine and will have character running to random spots and not doing anything. Was logged a few times for this.

NOTE: Was not fixed screen. Screen size could have been a major issue with the spam click problems I personally faced. Also having very intermittent success with selecting rocks with screen select over the list. I've tried standing next to ore seems at times its random what will activate the ore rock.

My current FIX and am running live now with no known issues.

1. Fixed screen, thank you for private GUI (name hider).

2. Normal mouse movement (move off screen enabled, hover over next enabled)

3. Set to bank nearest.

4. F7 activated in prime spot for 2 rocks and both ores selected though listening to my mouse would of sounded like I was in a drop party trying to activate the ore to be mined.

As of now working perfectly I figure there is user error on my end with learning as I go.

Drop functions work fine both options.

Have had 0 issue with gems as well (not dropping, and banking them with ore load)

Looking to bump this account to members so I have only tested so far in a few f2p areas.

Again thank you Czar for great script browsing for more may be interested in some trials here shortly!!!


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Thanks guys, both of you. :D:D 

Another update coming up :) Keep up the criticism and feedback, really helps push the script forward :D

I wasn't activating move mouse out of screen, that's why I couldn't understand at first. But I got it now ^^ :D


For now, please turn off move mouse out of screen and turn off spam clicking. Or keep spam click only. However I highly recommend against spam click unless you are competing for ore in a very competitive environment. I recently increased the speed of normal click, is it too slow?

Edited by Czar
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http://prntscr.com/ly0c1o - Account Number 1 Progress

http://prntscr.com/ly0ca5 - Account Number 2 Progress.

Accounts 3-9 all banned at bang on 30 Mining. All at the exact same place. 3 bots per proxy. So strange.


I am aiming for both of these to get 85 mining. Stealth Injection. Regular Breaks (for about 35-45 mins at a time(

Edited by Wishy
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4 hours ago, Wishy said:

http://prntscr.com/ly0c1o - Account Number 1 Progress

http://prntscr.com/ly0ca5 - Account Number 2 Progress.

Accounts 3-9 all banned at bang on 30 Mining. All at the exact same place. 3 bots per proxy. So strange.


I am aiming for both of these to get 85 mining. Stealth Injection. Regular Breaks (for about 35-45 mins at a time(

If you can please keep us updated on the status of the running ones. Curious to see how you do with stealth. 

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5 hours ago, Wishy said:

http://prntscr.com/ly0c1o - Account Number 1 Progress

http://prntscr.com/ly0ca5 - Account Number 2 Progress.

Accounts 3-9 all banned at bang on 30 Mining. All at the exact same place. 3 bots per proxy. So strange.


I am aiming for both of these to get 85 mining. Stealth Injection. Regular Breaks (for about 35-45 mins at a time(

You should try to do some with mirror client and see if you get any different results. I only use mirror now since I had two banned with stealth.

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10 minutes ago, Wishy said:

Acc 1 on 30 Hours,

Acc 2 on 24 hours.

Have a 3rd Account now running. thats on 2 hours currently. Will leave that running alongside the other 2

Thank you 


1 minute ago, martinc said:

You should try to do some with mirror client and see if you get any different results. I only use mirror now since I had two banned with stealth.

I am currently running some mirrors to test against his results. 

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7 hours ago, bobbdylann said:

Thank you 


I am currently running some mirrors to test against his results. 


7 hours ago, martinc said:

You should try to do some with mirror client and see if you get any different results. I only use mirror now since I had two banned with stealth.


Ran 1 account with Mirror along with the other 2. Mirror account was banned in less than 3 hours. Other 2 still going strong.


But currently on 36 Hours and 30. Total Ore Mined = 17k


Unsure if its worth moving both of them. 

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