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Perfect Miner AIO


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slight issue when powermining 3 rocks at al-kharid (might honestly be an issue mining 3 rocks everywehre)


have hover next rock set to on:

after it mines the 3 ores, it'll click the most recent rock again, see that it doesn't have any ore and then wait until it does to click it again.

instead of hovering back over the first rock. this is killing the xp/hr.

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Are you using vip client? If so please reduce the reaction timer from 1000ms to perhaps 50-100ms (lowest) so that the client detects ore changes faster. If not using vip client ignore this message. I will see if there are more ways to detect ore changes even faster than currently

As for mining guild expansion, coming soon - working on it for the upcoming update :)

As for antipattern option it is already auto-enabled, although I can convert some code from the woodcutter and other scripts of mine I guess ^^ :D

As for essence mining, bugfix coming up after testing, stay tuned :D 

Edited by Czar
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@CzarHey awesome scrip you got, but some improvements should be made.  When it takes me to the bank it doesn't switch my pickaxes as it should while i level up.  Maybe create an option at the setup menu?  Other than that it is just awesome best investment yet!  Add more anti bans like an auto reply when someone talks to you, i haven't seen one yet but it would be better and you can get more money for it too if you so desire that. 


Also off the record, I paid for VIP but i haven't received VIP yet any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Stattx
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