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Perfect Miner AIO


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I don't know if anything changed on v103. But atm v102.5 is live and it isn't any different than the version before. The bank trigger for runite appears not the be working. And the route towards lvl 30 wilderness is still the same (runs towards black chins and gets stuck at lvl 34 wilderness between the skeletons).

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Sorry about that guys, last update was supposed to be just experimental beta test for the plugins :( Still need to make improvements. As for the runite mining route, which route is better? I can easily add it to the script.

As for the suggestions:

Ardougne cloak teleport to coal mining in ardougne right?

As for shift click, definitely on the way.

RoD teleport to castle wars and ardougne cloak sure. Just need to know if the ardougne cloak is strictly for ardougne mining or for any user input mining (optional)?

thanks for the feedback guys :D, many code changes and additions are on the way.

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