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Perfect Miner AIO


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Czar,

So I'm currently using your perfect miner script and am liking it so far. I wanted to ask for a small favor regarding this script. So right now, the script store is not working and I'm really interested in buying the full version of this script. Until the store has been fixed, is it possible for me to continuously run your trial version of this script?


Also, if it's any consolation, I did buy the full version of your perfect fighter script after I really enjoyed the trial version of that as well. I just don't want to lose out on the time lost in terms of exp and resource for my character due to the OSBot store not working right now.



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On 31.1.2017 at 8:43 PM, Czar said:

Added trial good luck :)


As for grand exchange and muling support, definitely a good idea to add support for these, will be working on a system very very soon, since I'm already working on task mode (progressive levelling) and the features are very similar coding-wise. :D

100% buying if this gets added :)

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Hi Czar,


I enjoyed the trial version of your script and went ahead and purchased the full version. I do have one request.

Can you add world hopping function? Since addy and runite ore take so long to respawn, I think it would be more efficient to just hop from world to world in order to have a faster time filling up your inventory.


Would greatly appreciate it if you could implement such a feature! Thanks!

Edited by Savvir
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hey noticed a couple of issues with dropping granite and sandstone in the desert, im guessing the waterskins some how mess it up from what ive seen works great everywhere else. falador mine by the party room down the stairs the views cause the bot to attack a scorpion once then since it doesnt mine it keeps clicking the rocks instead of finishing off killing the scorpion resulting in the character dieing eventually

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