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Perfect Miner AIO


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It is only programmed to hop when there are no rocks, in mining guild there's like 100 rocks tongue.png As for the walking around, should I add a delay to it? That mode was only designed for areas with low rock counts, mining guild is better with screen mode. But good idea, I will make it run around less.


As for dragon pickaxe special, will add a quick update for that ASAP, so it only uses it when it's in the mining state, thanks for the feedback


An update has been added, latest version is now 0.51, please allow a few hours for the update to register ^^ biggrin.png

The mithril runs out after 5 ores are mined. And once they're mined, he runs to the middle of the coals and runs back and forth until another mith ore spawns. Doesn't hop when the option is enabled. And awesome! 

Update - Also, the "hide paint" option doesn't work. It doesn't get rid of the paint actually. If you could, you should consider making the paint a little smaller lol. It's kind of insanely large, or make a smaller option. One that just shows the ores. Just opinions, not demands.

Update 2 - OH and could you make a Free 2 play free world hopping? That would be swell.  Thanks!

Edited by djslakivich
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Care if i get a free trial?


Done good luck (24 hrs) wink.png


The mithril runs out after 5 ores are mined. And once they're mined, he runs to the middle of the coals and runs back and forth until another mith ore spawns. Doesn't hop when the option is enabled. And awesome! 

Update - Also, the "hide paint" option doesn't work. It doesn't get rid of the paint actually. If you could, you should consider making the paint a little smaller lol. It's kind of insanely large, or make a smaller option. One that just shows the ores. Just opinions, not demands.

Update 2 - OH and could you make a Free 2 play free world hopping? That would be swell.  Thanks!

Ohhh mithril ores, I assumed it was coal :P Anyhow, I will make some changes ASAP. The hopper is only programmed to hop with rune and addy ore anyway, so that's the first thing I will change.


As for hide paint, should be working normally in the next update, after I re-modelled the setup window I must have not included the hide paint, it should be there in the next update :D


Hopper will have a nice update, it will now check which world you are in, so if you are in a f2p world it will only hop to f2p worlds, if you are in p2p world it will only hop to p2p worlds. I can always add an option to the setup window if you want to hop to any world (for those of you who don't care if p2p or f2p) :D


Latest version of the bot is now: 0.52


please allow a few hours for the update to register, and once again thanks for all the feedback everybody :)

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I got another issue, in varrock west. The way the bot mines iron is insanely INSANELY weird. It'll mine the single rock and then walk around the hill by first going north then back down south to the 2 ores. And if the 2 ores are mined it'll start walking towards the warrior's guild and it wont get far then the ore spawns and it runs back. It looks ridiculous honestly.... not sure why it's doing this. Wasn't doing this b4. 

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Hmm i'm assuming you didn't use screen mode, but normal mode right? Screen mode is more suited toward less moving around, whereas list mode is for areas with many rocks which are far away (more moving around). I will add an update though, to tone down the movement


thanks for feedback


@andysalas done gl 24 hour trial, use screen mode for best results (in the setup window) ;)

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glad to hear nice results, I've been using this bot for goldfarming on fresh accounts to make money for bonds etc. 


I am basically running at least 10-15 accounts per node, gaining average ~75k/hr across all accounts just from mining iron.


The bot works exceptionally better with screen mode than it does with list mode. The only reason I keep list mode there is because some users (even me) can't be bothered to walk to the mining spot, so they just use list mode to get there, then stop script, then switch to screen mode :P

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For screen mode you just click on each rock you wanna mine, make sure you select all the rocks you need within 1 minute, after that it won't allow anymore clicks. Just to prevent misclicks etc wink.png

Doesn't seem to work for me. As soon as I click screen mode, I click 1 coal and then it just starts instantly. Could this be a bug? 

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