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PPOSB - AIO Hunter


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Great script, used it all the way to 75 hunter so far.

Currently using it for black chins with "always hop" on, as smart hop is a bit more risky and I keep getting pked HARD.

Is there a way you can add an option to activate quick prayers when under attack? With protect from magic on, I believe it's a lot easier to run away to level 30 wild (having them splash entagles/barrages) and use the glory to teleport out (if you're not tb'd, which I only seem to be half the time).


That would be a nice feature.


And if the bot knows it's going to die (super low health, frozen, out of food, tb'd) it releases all the chins as a bit of a "fuck you" to the pker before death.

Would make the bot less of a target if the pkers knew they gained nothing.


Also when I die, it seems to just put me somewhere around lumby bank and stay there logged in.

A hop world, withdraw box traps, use burning amulet, run back to chins, would be an awesome feature after death.

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  On 10/6/2017 at 2:06 PM, SparklesYT said:

Great script, used it all the way to 75 hunter so far.

Currently using it for black chins with "always hop" on, as smart hop is a bit more risky and I keep getting pked HARD.

Is there a way you can add an option to activate quick prayers when under attack? With protect from magic on, I believe it's a lot easier to run away to level 30 wild (having them splash entagles/barrages) and use the glory to teleport out (if you're not tb'd, which I only seem to be half the time).


That would be a nice feature.


And if the bot knows it's going to die (super low health, frozen, out of food, tb'd) it releases all the chins as a bit of a "fuck you" to the pker before death.

Would make the bot less of a target if the pkers knew they gained nothing.


Also when I die, it seems to just put me somewhere around lumby bank and stay there logged in.

A hop world, withdraw box traps, use burning amulet, run back to chins, would be an awesome feature after death.


I've had a few people ask about quick prayers, I will take a look at it. 


As far as dropping chins, I could do it if you are above 32 wildy because I want to make sure the bot knows you CAN'T escape before releasing all your money lol. 


And as far as the bot getting stuck in lumbridge, did you try this on version 7.1?

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  On 10/6/2017 at 2:15 PM, Project said:

I've had a few people ask about quick prayers, I will take a look at it. 


As far as dropping chins, I could do it if you are above 32 wildy because I want to make sure the bot knows you CAN'T escape before releasing all your money lol. 


And as far as the bot getting stuck in lumbridge, did you try this on version 7.1?


Yes, with version 7.1, got stuck earlier.

Just manually managed to escape (by pausing the script) at black chins, using my quick prayers method, running a few squares and using the glory to tele out.

Actually helps an insane amount, having protect from magic on.


I think dropping chins if about to die would definitely have to be a check-boxable option, it would never be truely perfect and off by default.


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  On 10/6/2017 at 2:23 PM, SparklesYT said:

Yes, with version 7.1, got stuck earlier.

Just manually managed to escape (by pausing the script) at black chins, using my quick prayers method, running a few squares and using the glory to tele out.

Actually helps an insane amount, having protect from magic on.


I think dropping chins if about to die would definitely have to be a check-boxable option, it would never be truely perfect and off by default.



Okay thanks! I’ll look into this more. I really want to get black chins perfected.

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  On 10/6/2017 at 2:39 AM, justin111111 said:

Banned within 12 hours once i hit around 63hunt. Rip 3m for a bond. in the same night i was also bot busted 2 day ban.



  On 10/6/2017 at 9:19 AM, Project said:

I posted a link on the first page of the thread. It is a guide on how to prevent bans. You’re doing something wrong because myself, along with many others can successfully bot hunter without a ban.


guess ill give that another read

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  On 10/7/2017 at 1:16 AM, tempesttheace said:

just 100% used this script on my pure 1-73 hunter :)

just curious will this script bank with imp boxes? also it would be awesome if i could use the script to catch Imps with the magic boxes


I don't have imp support as of now, but I do plan on adding it in the future :)

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Thought I'd switch to this script from my regular one for the progressive leveling to bot chins on the weekend, 20/25 accs banned on the first day all on seperate ips then the last 5 banned on the second day.  Never had accounts banned during the weekend before, any chance of a refund?  Script definitely not for me and seems way too easily detectable.  Getting banned in less than 12 hours on a manually done tut island acc says it all.

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  On 10/7/2017 at 11:59 AM, hybes said:

Thought I'd switch to this script from my regular one for the progressive leveling to bot chins on the weekend, 20/25 accs banned on the first day all on seperate ips then the last 5 banned on the second day.  Never had accounts banned during the weekend before, any chance of a refund?  Script definitely not for me and seems way too easily detectable.  Getting banned in less than 12 hours on a manually done tut island acc says it all.


That sounds like a chain ban. You might wanna try looking into the random.dat program I made. Jagex doesn’t ban due to IP, they ban based on UID.

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  On 10/7/2017 at 2:23 PM, Project said:

That sounds like a chain ban. You might wanna try looking into the random.dat program I made. Jagex doesn’t ban due to IP, they ban based on UID.


Used that from when you posted it, wasn't a chain ban as the ban times were all different, some hours apart from each other.  Never had this issue in months of botting hunter on weekends until I bought this script :/

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Need some help on this. My account is 99 hunter, and i botted a lot of it back in the day (2014/2015). Literally did a few levels myself after around 73 hunter... 


I received a 2 day ban ONLY, which has now expired.

1. Would this work on my account effectively at black chins?

2. Is black chins hunting generally a 'less ban rate' than red chins (because so many people suicide 1-63 for example)?

3. Hey Project, any way I can grab that trial now if it's open please :)? 

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