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PPOSB - AIO Hunter


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just purchased script. was deciding whether buy to this one or daxchins from another site. the prices are ridiculous, 10$xMonth or 50$xMonth. so i decided to go with yours after reading it had a progressive mode which i think is brilliant. i dont have experience with scripts and bots so im eager to get started and see what this script is all about. another reason i purchased this script is because you seem to offer excellent customer service. thank you for your hard work.

ill be posting my experience with this script here regularly. 


Edited by trapmanjay
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Great script only small slight problem I had, got me from 1-60 hunter in a day great script but when it went to hunt kebbits i did one tick mode like showed on the video and I did it on my level 3 skiller unfortunate the bot started to bury the bones which got my level 3 into 5cb and 8 prayer nothing to big still runs great but maybe something that can be fixed in future 

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  On 9/24/2017 at 3:00 AM, honsu said:

Great script only small slight problem I had, got me from 1-60 hunter in a day great script but when it went to hunt kebbits i did one tick mode like showed on the video and I did it on my level 3 skiller unfortunate the bot started to bury the bones which got my level 3 into 5cb and 8 prayer nothing to big still runs great but maybe something that can be fixed in future 


The bot only bury bones if it is toggled. It does not do it unless it is told otherwise. 

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  On 9/24/2017 at 9:41 AM, hybes said:

Script seems great so far from using the trial, only feature I didn't get a chance to use was progressive leveling, does the bot support feldip teleport scrolls?  If it does, I'd be happy to buy it.


I have scrolls in testing still, I am trying to finish beefing up antipk first

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Hey @Project,

The break manager and the bot still dont play nice.
It either picks up all of the 5 traps and just waits for a few minutesfor the break handler to break OR it only takes 3/4-5 traps when pausing, losing the traps and not being able to continue.


Secondly, a tip for the black chinning bot, can you make it auto-log when it spots a white dot on the map?



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  On 9/24/2017 at 7:25 PM, Circled said:

Hey @Project,

The break manager and the bot still dont play nice.
It either picks up all of the 5 traps and just waits for a few minutesfor the break handler to break OR it only takes 3/4-5 traps when pausing, losing the traps and not being able to continue.


Secondly, a tip for the black chinning bot, can you make it auto-log when it spots a white dot on the map?




The bot starts picking up traps 1 minute before it is supposed to logout, then it will wait until it is time to logout. 


As far as black chins not hopping when it sees a white dot, it hops when it sees someone that can attack it. I also recommend using glories when doing black chin hunting. Also black chin hunting has got some new updates coming for it. I've fixed quite a few issues with it. I will hopefully have this update pushed tonight. :)

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@Project This is by far not only the best hunter script I have used but probably the best bot in general I have used, I love the huge amount of options including auto talker, text and sms updates! 

That being said I have found a small issue, I'm playing with 5ms ping but still sometimes using 1 tick box traps the bot will try to walk under a trap too early before setting another trap and will stop for around a second or two then have to click again in the spot it was originally trying to get to. This isn't by lag its just sometimes the bot is too quick using 1 tick, are you able to make it check if it clicks too early to reclick quicker as opposed to sitting there waiting for something to happen.

This is a really bad explanation but if you need me to show you I can.


Other than that I would suggest this bot to everyone and am excited to see what you release next!

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  On 9/25/2017 at 9:51 AM, wally said:

@Project This is by far not only the best hunter script I have used but probably the best bot in general I have used, I love the huge amount of options including auto talker, text and sms updates! 

That being said I have found a small issue, I'm playing with 5ms ping but still sometimes using 1 tick box traps the bot will try to walk under a trap too early before setting another trap and will stop for around a second or two then have to click again in the spot it was originally trying to get to. This isn't by lag its just sometimes the bot is too quick using 1 tick, are you able to make it check if it clicks too early to reclick quicker as opposed to sitting there waiting for something to happen.

This is a really bad explanation but if you need me to show you I can.


Other than that I would suggest this bot to everyone and am excited to see what you release next!


I plan on looking into this after I push this next release out! Thanks for letting me know :)

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