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@ProjectPact  hi, can i use my own tiles for traps? If it hits level 20 will it start to use 2 traps instead of one or i have to select trap number in GUI?

Can quick hop be used even if not doing black chins? thanks. Trial would be nice maybe.


It automatically knows when you have leveled to a point where you can place +1 trap down and will do it on its own without you interacting with it. :)

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Can i use quick hop that is used when hunting black chins (hop from players on minimap) while hunting red/black salamanders.


yes! It has anti pk! :)


bot thinks you can put down 3 net traps at swamp lizards at lvl 30 hunter but you can only do that from lvl 40 and on



Is there any error in the logger? Also, are you in wild?

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