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Eagle Scripts

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For those of you who are thinking about purchasing this script, just keep in mind that the bot gets stuck very frequently, sometimes to the point where you have to restart your entire client. Hopefully these issues will be fixed.

This is not true, and I prefer you not giving such false information. It's probably a startup issue since it's working literally fine at my PC. I'll look into it once i've seen it through skype.

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For those of you who are thinking about purchasing this script, just keep in mind that the bot gets stuck very frequently, sometimes to the point where you have to restart your entire client. Hopefully these issues will be fixed.

I just tested it, as you can see in the GIF; it works fine (:


Be sure to select teleportation option first & actually select the object you want to build, even thought its already shown on startup.



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I just tested it, as you can see in the GIF; it works fine (:


Be sure to select teleportation option first & actually select the object you want to build, even thought its already shown on startup.



That didn't really prove anything. I said the bot gets stuck when Romeo talks to you or when it tries to turn on sprinting. Also, crude chairs were the ones I said wouldn't start.

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So I'm kinda disappointed right now. I bought the script and followed the instructions (have my inventory as shown in Normal Mode) and stood next to the stuff I wanted to build.

First thing the script does is use Varrock tab and walk to bank where it proceeds to freeze. I restart and it checks my bank claiming there are no materials. Repeated attempts do nothing different.


EDIT: Tried Castle Wars teleport. I positioned myself as before and this time it immediately teleports to CW and keeps teleporting and wasting charges. sad.png Very disappointed.



Edit: Works fine, was a start up issue. Thanks to the developer for quick response (literally 2 minutes).

Edited by sampla
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That didn't really prove anything. I said the bot gets stuck when Romeo talks to you or when it tries to turn on sprinting. Also, crude chairs were the ones I said wouldn't start.



So I'm kinda disappointed right now. I bought the script and followed the instructions (have my inventory as shown in Normal Mode) and stood next to the stuff I wanted to build.

First thing the script does is use Varrock tab and walk to bank where it proceeds to freeze. I restart and it checks my bank claiming there are no materials. Repeated attempts do nothing different.

Send me both your skype names so I can see it for myself (:

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Doing oak armchairs and the bot gets stuck every about 3k xp and i have to restarted the bot not the client I gotta push stop then start again and set it back up please fix this issue

Please give me more informatin.


Can you make screenshots of the screenshot when it does nothing anymore && paste the logger in here?

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