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Banned - 2 days - Hunter


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So I've botted 10M+ hunter xp (red chins only) on one of my accounts, I've been using it for 1-2 weeks all is good.


All the sudden when I go on the first time of the day to turn the bot on, I'm on for literally 10 seconds, then I get connection lost. I check the account, it says 2 day ban (moderate?).


Was this related to the bot itself, or maybe even the client? I have no idea, it just seems a littely funky to me considering I should of gotten perm banned. That is beside the point though, I wasn't even botting, I just randomly log in and an automatic ban is triggered within seconds.


Hopefully this isn't bashing sales, but FrostHunter was the script, it worked beautifully. I have a feeling it was a client triggered ban since it all happened so fast.


Does anything have any idea to why this happened? And is there any chance I can bot on this account again after the ban.

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These are refered to as "Delayed bans". Basically you've already been caught, reports or their anti-bot system flagging you, a mod checks you out "ok this guy is a bot" and puts a ban that activates the next time you login.


I strongly recommend upgrading to VIP and using the mirror client as it is much safer.

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These are refered to as "Delayed bans". Basically you've already been caught, reports or their anti-bot system flagging you, a mod checks you out "ok this guy is a bot" and puts a ban that activates the next time you login.


I strongly recommend upgrading to VIP and using the mirror client as it is much safer.


So, is the account safe to bot again? Assuming I have a new IP address/proxy connected to it and/or using mirror client? It feels like the account itself would be flagged for death.

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So, is the account safe to bot again? Assuming I have a new IP address/proxy connected to it and/or using mirror client? It feels like the account itself would be flagged for death.


Good chance that the account is going to be more heavily monitored now that you have been banned previously


10m xp is v good tho

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