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Unfinished Script, showing off for AP CS project


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So, my computer science teacher allowed us to what ever we wanted to do for our end of the year project. So i thought hey why not make a script. We had like 3 days to do it, you might think you can write  a decent script within that time. But I had no idea how to write gui or use the api. I mean long story short we got like 1/3 of the script done, and had to present it to the class. I was pretty nervous showing off an unfinished java code. But after seeing the other projects had and how some of them were uncompleted.. ex fractals, greenfoot stuff like press a button and make a noise, equation solver, etc... End of the day my hot ass CS teacher seemed pretty interested and intrigued with what we did. She had a lot of questions and really enjoyed with only showing her our code.. a gui frame with stuff, and how the debug works to get data from the client. 


It was a learning experience and really fun, and I hope i continue to progress my knowledge and Java and release a real script


BIG SHOUTOUT TO Thunderwaffe who helped debug, fix methods, and fix the gui, and alot more last night at 2am 



Edited by javant
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