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UK General Election


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I'm very disappointed with the result. Of course you voted for Conservative, they have your interests in mind :p . The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Its sad to see people voting for a party who triples the yearly student course fees, spends Billions on Trident. Not to mention they will continue to privatise the NHS which is one of the greatest things this country has to offer. I can see the NHS crumbling over the next 5 years. The Conservatives will leave a legacy of young people in unimaginable debt, who will be having to live with their parents till they are 30 because they cannot get a mortgage; and the NHS will be gone and we'll be in a state worse than when the recession hit. The Conservatives are causing this country to go backwards rather than forwards.


Don't get me wrong i think all of the parties are shady as hell but Labour at least have the majority of the countries interests in mind, they were going to get rid of 0 hour contracts meaning people would actually know how many hours they would be working a week. Rather than getting a text an hour before work telling them they aren't needed. Plus they were going to bring up the minimum wage meaning people in the working/lower class have more disposable income, meaning more money would be spent to get the economy flowing more. Oh and lets not forget they were going to put money INTO the NHS not take it out like the Tories!


As for the people who resigned:


Ed Milliband - Unfortunate as i think he had his heart set on making the country better. However, he was not what i would class as a strong leader. All the same he would of been far better than Cameron.


Nigel Farage - Good, he is a rich racist scumbag who has blamed everything on immigration and worryingly actually got a following. Very dangerous person in my opinion.


Nick Clegg - Expected, got completely done over when the coalition formed, unfortunate as he is being blamed for what the Conservatives did when i really don't think he had much of a say at all.


As for a new wave of leaders coming into the picture i hope they have more to offer than their predecessors. Oh and lets hope these ones have actually lived in the real world and held down a job unlike the current rich, spoilt, clueless twats.

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Extremely disappointed with the result. 


I strongly agree with Varc on this, although I take a very left approach to this whole situation. While I agree that Ed had the countries best interest in mind I don't think a labour government would have worked very well, I believe that the labour party need to sit down and rethink their main goals as a party they just seemed to be all over the place this election. 


What were your reasons for voting Conservative?


Austerity is not the answer to brining a country out of an economic crisis at all. 

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I don't give a cookie about elections in UK. But I still have something to say; Yes, I am very strong socialist, and will always be. But it does not matter who is running the government, there is always someone crying over it. At the same instance someone has a bit extra money, there is a jealous idiot whining. 

At the end it is a win-win situation for democracy, as it's main goal is simple as this - I gain something - You will also get advantage of it. Thank-you.

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